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I know I'm screwed when

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Apr 22, 2009 3:12 pm

Well, Campy, you get points for the bumper stickers. I'll try to be more open-minded when following a lesbian trapped in a conservative Christian male's body in a Dixie Chick mobile. That's pretty funny! You could be the embodiment of the rebirth of " the party ."

Apr 22, 2009 7:31 pm


Apr 22, 2009 8:10 pm

Since we’ve devolved out of FA topics and onto politics anyway, unlike a Democrat, I peeled the stickers off my Forester the morning after Election Day.

Don’t think it’s because our dude lost. If the GOP had won, I would have peeled them off.

I offer into evidence that there are still Kerry stickers on cars here in town. Dems like to show they voted for the good guy. I want to tell them, now that it’s 6 months later, if they hadn’t heard, Obamania won and they can move on.

Obama bumper stickers on a Subie are of course a dead giveaway, but that’s stating the obvious (or oblivious, as the case may be).

Dixie Chick Mobile? LOL!

BTW, I may be a lesbian trapped in this body, but definitely not the “liberal” part of lesbian…

Good luck in these prospecting and client conversations. It is an unfortunate fact that Subaru owners do tend to be flaming pinkos. You might want to be ready with a stable of socially responsible equity and bond funds if you see a Subie. Just beware the automagic gearbox (notice I avoided the word “tranny”).

Apr 22, 2009 8:24 pm

Since we’ve devolved out of FA topics and onto politics anyway, unlike a Democrat, I peeled the stickers off my Forester the morning after Election Day.

Don’t think it’s because our dude lost. If the GOP had won, I would have peeled them off.

I offer into evidence that there are still Kerry stickers on cars here in town. Dems like to show they voted for the good guy. I want to tell them, now that it’s 6 months later, if they hadn’t heard, Obamania won and they can move on.

Obama bumper stickers on a Subie are of course a dead giveaway, but that’s stating the obvious (or oblivious, as the case may be).

Dixie Chick Mobile? LOL!

BTW, I may be a lesbian trapped in this body, but definitely not the “liberal” part of lesbian…

Good luck in these prospecting and client conversations. It is an unfortunate fact that Subaru owners do tend to be flaming pinkos. You might want to be ready with a stable of socially responsible equity and bond funds if you see a Subie. Just beware the automagic gearbox (notice I avoided the word “tranny”).

  So by default, if you voted Republican you voted for the bad guy?
Apr 22, 2009 9:28 pm

Yeah, Campy, you are a kick. Right about the lingering liberal bumper stickers. So proud. You’ve really got me rethinking the whole Subaru thing. I could do undercover work. I never met a socially conscious investor, who, after buying the green index, wouldn’t buy the ETF ETN fund OIL or KOL. For down market marketing, I was thinking of going to various bible studies, now I need to go backpacking in my Soob, too.

Apr 23, 2009 7:21 pm

Subaru owners, and Earthy greenies see our industry as the destruction of the world - best to stay away.  In their mind - people are the infection that's killing the Earth, and need to be eradicated (except for them - because they're somehow good for the Earth).

Funny - Sean Penn drives a hummer, but believes you should walk!
Apr 23, 2009 7:25 pm

Yeah, App, wait until those greenies have too much cash, and there’s inflation. Cash is piling up everywhere. It is getting crazy. I wonder if Sean Penn got that hummer from a guy.

Apr 23, 2009 7:38 pm

Greenies don’t have cash.  They have granola and peace signs (don’t forget love).  Any available funds get sent to PBS, and starving artists.

  Funny - John Travolta lectures us on conservation, but flies his own 120 passanger jet with only 10 people on board!
Apr 27, 2009 10:00 pm

"Funny - John Travolta lectures us on conservation, but flies his own 120 passanger jet with only 10 people on board!"

When you have your own jet airplane and you’re a Hollyweed or Washington liberal, logic is for losers. You get to lecture greenies and present yourself as one even if you you are an obvious and flaming hypocrite.

The Savior (where’s the sarcasm emoticon?) flew to Iowa on Air Force Uno for Earth Day. 9000 gallons of jet fuel that you paid for just so the dude could get his face in front of news cameras.

Anybody out there have granola crunchers and tree huggers in their business plan?

Apr 27, 2009 10:08 pm

No, because  they’re better than me.

Apr 28, 2009 1:40 am

this thread is so empty…when will it end???

Apr 28, 2009 4:21 am

I know I am screwed…when I check and see I am an employee at Jones…

Apr 28, 2009 11:02 pm

[quote=army13A]As a recently separated Veteran from OIF, I find it appalling that individuals speak about our Commander in Chief in this way.  No matter your personal views (I for one am an Independent b/c both parties suck), this is not the way to speak about our President.  When Dubya was President and anyone spoke out against him, individuals were deemed un-American but you guys can call him a devil and a commie?

BTW, what does “Liberal” mean? Liberal and Conservative are probably the most overused terms in our everyday language but when I speak to anyone on the left or right to define liberal or conservative, I never hear anything concrete; just a whole bunch of bashing. 


I’m coming in a little late, but did you watch the news for the last 8 years?

Because EVERYONE spoke against Bush/Cheney, all the time.

Hell, even sitcoms cracked on em.

Apr 28, 2009 11:19 pm

Liberal: Does not mind pay “fair share” of taxes. Everyone should have great health insurance. Public education is the only way. We should tax energy into creating alternatives. American must have a car industry in Detroit. I see a bright future for America, if we can only get everyone to like us. Pot should be legalized. Some people should not make too much money. Everything is relative.

  Conservative: leave me alone.
Apr 29, 2009 1:23 am

Let’s go flat tax, Let’s go flat tax!!!

May 1, 2009 7:14 am

[quote=Ron 14]I know I am screwed when… I meet a couple who have a CD coming due in 4 months who want to take it out, pay the penalty, and put it in their checking account. They don’t need the money, but “with everything that is happening we are not comfortable in CD’s.” They checking and CD is at the same bank btw. [/quote]

Sounds like a great opportunity if you have the right product

May 1, 2009 8:16 pm

Hey ExPropTrader … who were you prop trading through?

  I was with PairCo via Bright used Golman's Redi platform. Man that blows away what I have a WFC.
May 1, 2009 8:44 pm

I know I am screwed…when I check and see I am an employee at Jones…

  ok guys...when you tell me i'm talking about the wrong guy when I say he has little to say other than to bash'll see I speak the truth.   There are alot of worse places to work for these days than Jones!  As a matter of fact, there is no where I would rather be at this point and time.  I'm sure it's great to be independent if that is right for you, but it's not the right move for all brokers.  Once again you show your one-sided ignorance!  Thanks for proving my point!
May 1, 2009 10:40 pm

[quote=Ron 14]I know I am screwed when… I meet a couple who have a CD coming due in 4 months who want to take it out, pay the penalty, and put it in their checking account. They don’t need the money, but “with everything that is happening we are not comfortable in CD’s.” They checking and CD is at the same bank btw. [/quote]

Sounds like a great opportunity if you have the right product

  Really ? Great opportunity ? No it isn't, because idiots don't understand the term opportunity, they are too busy being afraid of the world.
May 2, 2009 1:38 am
Hey Kool-Aid:

[quote=noggin]I know I am screwed…when I check and see I am an employee at Jones…

  ok guys...when you tell me i'm talking about the wrong guy when I say he has little to say other than to bash'll see I speak the truth.   There are alot of worse places to work for these days than Jones!  As a matter of fact, there is no where I would rather be at this point and time.  I'm sure it's great to be independent if that is right for you, but it's not the right move for all brokers.  Once again you show your one-sided ignorance!  Thanks for proving my point![/quote] I was just poking a little fun, the post before mine said that the thread was dead. Please don't take offense wasn't meant to be harmful .