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How much study for Series 7?

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Jun 9, 2005 11:50 am

Maybe you're right.

I don't know of any drug that could help you create an alternate reality any further from, or more bizarre than your current choice.

So how are things going down at McDonalds? 

Jun 9, 2005 11:57 am

[quote=Phlyin’ Phule]

Maybe you’re right.

I don't know of any drug that could help you create an alternate reality any further from, or more bizarre than your current choice.

So how are things going down at McDonalds? 


Ah, the clever repartee of the mentally handicapped.

God, please deliver me from the mental midgets and bring on somebody worthy of shining my shoes.
Jun 9, 2005 11:57 am

[quote=Put Trader][quote=Starka]I do thank God for you, Put.  But for a whole 'nother reason that you're incapable of understanding. [/quote]

Please tell me that you're not another poor soul who suffers from hero worship when you think about me.  I do not want to be your role model, regardless of how much you beg.

This from the same self-proclaimed Senior Vice President and Mensan who doesn't know that there's a difference between 90% and 90th Percentile.

No, I don't aspire to be self delusional liar, so I don't think you'll need to worry about being my role model today. 

Tomorrow either.

Jun 9, 2005 12:10 pm


This from the same self-proclaimed Senior Vice President and Mensan who doesn't know that there's a difference between 90% and 90th Percentile.

No, I don't aspire to be self delusional liar, so I don't think you'll need to worry about being my role model today. 

Tomorrow either.


It's OK, Starka, lots of people gaze at me as I walk by wishing they were as interesting a person as I am.  It's a role I've become accustomed to.

As for the 90th percentile drivel.  I understand that you losers seek refuge in the argument that your score of 80 is higher than 90% of the population, but it's still just an 80, it still means that you missed 20%.

Somebody who scores 120 on the golf course is in the shot a better game than 99% of the people on earth--but they're not playing the game very well.

Tell me, Starka, what pride is there in not being able to do something that most people cannot do just because you're part of the majority?
Jun 9, 2005 12:14 pm

When did I ever say that there's anything I can't do?

I've already proved an excellence in the military that you could never do.  I didn't need a general for a father.  I rose to command on my own.

Even ignoring your inferior educatio, given your mirror-kissing attitude, you could NEVER rise to my level.

Jun 9, 2005 1:29 pm


When did I ever say that there’s anything I can’t do?

I've already proved an excellence in the military that you could never do.  I didn't need a general for a father.  I rose to command on my own.

Even ignoring your inferior educatio, given your mirror-kissing attitude, you could NEVER rise to my level.


The question, dear boy, was not aimed at you--that you take everything personally is indicative of a horrible lack of self pride.

What I asked was, "What pride is there in not being able to do something just because most people cannot do it" and you whine that I'm talking about you.  A less tolerant guy would think that that is a sure sign of self doubt.

The putting your fingers in your ears and screaming, "Stop talking about me" response to simple questions.

It would be fun to hear how you think that I benefited from my father's career--seeing as he was a Lt. Colonel when I joined the regional staff.  It is true that having a successful father tends to make the sons want to be successes too--and his three sons did just that.  I'm only the second most successful, my kid brother (well he's 56 years old, so he's not really a kid) is the COO of a bank holding company.

Families of overachievers learn to live with the green eyes of envy staring at them everywhere they go--ours is no different.

Good mental health dictates that you set the hatred aside and try to figure out a way to mirror your own career on mine--or on my kid brother's--or on my fathers.

The other son is not mentioned because he's dead.  Killed in a head on collision more than twenty years ago.  At the time he was the owner of a string of retail outlets that were incredibly popular--my brother and I inherited them, held them for a year and sold them.

Life is good when you're a member of the Trader family.  Don't you wish you were one of us?
Jun 9, 2005 1:35 pm

If the question was not aimed at me, then why does it start with my name?

I repeat...I believe that you're a self-delusional liar.

Jun 9, 2005 1:42 pm


If the question was not aimed at me, then why does it start with my name?

I repeat...I believe that you're a self-delusional liar.


I used your name because I was solciting your response.  I forget that those filled with self-loathing often take things literally.  I'll try again.

Starka, you are constantly saying that I am insensitive to others, and perhaps I am.  However, I don't find any source of pride in being unable to accomplish something just because most people cannot accompliish it either.

Do you agree that there is no pride in being a member of a majority when the majority is failing at a goal?

And, don't forget to explain the envy you have for my brothers and me concerning our choice of a father.
Jun 9, 2005 3:44 pm

Put, not sure why you come to this forum.  Could you explain.  Most of the posts I read from you are negative in nature.

Jun 9, 2005 3:53 pm

[quote=maybeeeeeeee]Put, not sure why you come to this forum. 
Could you explain.  Most of the posts I read from you are negative
in nature.[/quote]

I’ll try.  Could you point me to something that you consider negative?

Jun 9, 2005 5:38 pm

LOL… Thanks all for the input 

Jan 16, 2008 2:39 pm

Could you please send me your options studying sheet?

  I am taking the exam in just under 2 weeks.  I have been studying for a few months, but only sporadically, since I am a working mom of three toddlers.   Thanks so much!