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Gethardgetraw's 2009-2010 Cold Calling Journal

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Dec 17, 2009 5:27 pm

Truth time… who is a gk or took over an office?

  There was a thread where I had an exchange with RealWorld where I mentioned in fair disclosure that I took over an office, though not with significant assets.
Dec 17, 2009 5:28 pm

Truth time… who is a gk or took over an office?

  I took over a small office, 8 months after my CSD, but almost all my income has come from MY clients. Only posted 4 months less than 10K in 12 Months and none were less than 6K. So besides getting an office space, the assets were irrelevant.
Dec 17, 2009 5:29 pm

Sometimes, what do you mean you are behind?

Dec 17, 2009 5:32 pm

[quote=Hey Kool-Aid] 

Actually are order to get the milestone bonus you need to be exceeding expectations not just meeting them![/quote] My bad. I just did the calculations. Seg 2 Meeting standards is $8000, and you have to average $8500 to get the Milestone bonus. So you have to make an extra $500 bucks a month above standard lol, but i guess thats "Technically" exceeding.
Dec 17, 2009 5:37 pm
Ronnie Dobbs:

[quote=Ron 14] The biggest thing is the insurance by far, which you failed to mention.  

  As did you sir. You were talking about supplies and work related expenses. You did not read my post very well. The stuff doesn't add up, if most of it's free. Insurance is a killer, I agree. But for most young FA's like myself, by the time we even get close to using our insurance other than preventative (which is free) we'll have plenty saved for that deductable. For you older gentlemen, who use insurance more i can see where it sucks.   Point is, daily expenses aren't that much if you utilize your resources. Like i said, i spent probably$100 bucks ALL YEAR on things i needed to do my job. I spent a crapload on remodeling my office and taking people to lunch, but those are un-necessary.   Chief - It's still rolling 4.[/quote]   Look back a page or two you stroke! When the entire 40% thing came up I showed insurance as being an expense and it being higher than the office crap. And then you screw up the meeting/exceeding thing! You are scary dumb, seriously.  
Dec 17, 2009 5:42 pm

Dumb would involve failing out of Jones…and uhhhhhh yeah… If your not going to talk like an adult, i’m not answering your posts. I got off this site for that reason and i’ll continue to ignore the ignorant banter from now on…

  My bad on not seeing your insurance post though. Makes me ADD, not dumb.
Dec 17, 2009 5:45 pm
Ronnie Dobbs:

Sometimes, what do you mean you are behind?

  I didn't go through the segments as fast as possible.   As for the payout thing, I think that we don't get great value for the 62.5% that we pay out. However I get annoyed that I can't control a lot of my costs (i.e. - I think if I were Indy I wouldn't have a full-time assistant with benefits), so that colors my view of my reduced payout.   And don't get me started about the insurance...
Dec 17, 2009 5:47 pm

[quote=Ronnie Dobbs][quote=Hey Kool-Aid] 

Actually are order to get the milestone bonus you need to be exceeding expectations not just meeting them![/quote] My bad. I just did the calculations. Seg 2 Meeting standards is $8000, and you have to average $8500 to get the Milestone bonus. So you have to make an extra $500 bucks a month above standard lol, but i guess thats "Technically" exceeding.[/quote]   Also, those numbers vary depending on whether you are new/new, goodknight or existing office...Goodknights (particularly the higher $$$ GKs), have much tougher standards than new/new...although they are doable...I hit all but one.
Dec 17, 2009 7:58 pm

Yeah, besides having a place to hang my hat, raising my standards is really all getting this small office did for me…

Dec 17, 2009 8:13 pm
Ronnie Dobbs:

Yeah, besides having a place to hang my hat, raising my standards is really all getting this small office did for me…

  Its probably nice too if you have prospects and new clients that ask you how big your practice is you don't have to tell them (At least when you first started), "Well actually guys, you make it a bakers dozen!", or "I now manage 5 households".  Just take a look at the book they gave you and if its a hundred people then bam, you can tell people you've got over 100 clients! 
Dec 17, 2009 8:14 pm
Ronnie Dobbs:

Yeah, besides having a place to hang my hat, raising my standards is really all getting this small office did for me…

  Did you say you doubled your assetts just by asking the exisiting clients for more money otherwise you were going to fire them?
Dec 17, 2009 8:18 pm

yes he did

Dec 17, 2009 9:38 pm

Milestone Bonuses total $38k.

It's 1K at eval/grad. $4k at month 4. $5k at month 9, then $7k every 7 months thereafter.   They did change the structure, though, for new hires coming in after Jan 1st, 2010. It will be quarterly, but a lesser amount with a total of $38,500.
Dec 17, 2009 9:55 pm

[quote=Ronnie Dobbs]Yeah, besides having a place to hang my hat, raising my standards is really all getting this small office did for me…

  Did you say you doubled your assetts just by asking the exisiting clients for more money otherwise you were going to fire them?[/quote]   Actually I didn't say that. I said I doubled my assets in the office. That doesn't mean it all came from existing clients. Most did not.  And in another sentence said that I had no problem with deleting accounts with no money or activity and asking clients who do not value my advice to go somewhere else. Not a thing wrong with that.   I'm also not going to let this thread turn into me defending myself. No need to. I know my business and I don't care if you beleive me or whatever. In 3 years, i'll still be here kickin butt and you'll still be questioning me, possibly from your couch at home. Jobless......
Dec 17, 2009 9:58 pm

Hey Wind, we can always count on you to do everything possible to make sure that the the thread talks about what you are doing.   How about just starting a thread entitled, “I’m Wind” and respond just in that thread so that you don’t particpate in helping to turn all threads that mention you into threads about you?

Dec 17, 2009 10:00 pm

Hey Wind, we can always count on you to do everything possible to make sure that the the thread talks about what you are doing.   How about just starting a thread entitled, “I’m Wind” and respond just in that thread so that you don’t particpate in helping to turn all threads that mention you into threads about you?

  I didn't make the thread about me. Read page 21.  I just corrected some facts that were intentionally being skewed. Blame Ron.....You can count on Ron to make it about me. Thats his claim to fame on this site, so he'll play that record until it melts to make himself feel like he's acheived something in his life.   Funny thing is, the way you guys blame me is sorta like all these damn parents that blame the school cause their kids an idiot." Mommy, Daddy the teacher put me in time out"....AKA RON "FART POOP GAY HOMO TURD WINDY...HAHA ME FUNNY", when really your kid was just stupid. Don't blame me, blame the source.   If everyone ignored Ron's stupid gay windy lies, windy's dumb jokes then he wouldn't have a reason to say them. He'd stop turning every thread into a bash on me. But until the rest of you quit follwing the fart joke windy's a liar humor....Ron's gonna continue. It's the only thing he has.
Dec 17, 2009 10:10 pm

Here, I’ll finish this so we don’t have to spoil the thread with it:

Any regular poster: Windy, you always make the threads about you.

Windy: I never make the threads about my $40k gross months or the fact that I now have $100mm under management.

hotair1: Liar

Ron: Yeah, you are a liar and homo. Why don’t you go give Volt a reacharound.

Windy: Ron, why don’t you go flirt with a tellar/hand out some suckers/work the drive through.

There, finished. Can we talk about something else now?

Dec 17, 2009 10:16 pm

You know you get a kick out of these threads, Sometimes.  Don’t lie

Dec 17, 2009 10:16 pm

I didnt make it about you. You jumped into a thread 21 pages in and started spewing the wrong information and bragging about yourself at the same time.

Dec 17, 2009 10:17 pm

I am all in favor of bringing this thread back to ghgr and his daily dials… I will await today’s results.