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Gethardgetraw's 2009-2010 Cold Calling Journal

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Dec 17, 2009 10:19 pm

[quote=3rdyrp2]You know you get a kick out of these threads, Sometimes.  Don’t lie[/quote]

- True

I just want new gay jokes.

Dec 17, 2009 10:23 pm
Ronnie Dobbs:

[quote=anonymous]Hey Wind, we can always count on you to do everything possible to make sure that the the thread talks about what you are doing.   How about just starting a thread entitled, “I’m Wind” and respond just in that thread so that you don’t particpate in helping to turn all threads that mention you into threads about you?

  I didn't make the thread about me. Read page 21.  I just corrected some facts that were intentionally being skewed. Blame Ron.....You can count on Ron to make it about me. Thats his claim to fame on this site, so he'll play that record until it melts to make himself feel like he's acheived something in his life.   Funny thing is, the way you guys blame me is sorta like all these damn parents that blame the school cause their kids an idiot." Mommy, Daddy the teacher put me in time out"....AKA RON "FART POOP GAY HOMO TURD WINDY...HAHA ME FUNNY", when really your kid was just stupid. Don't blame me, blame the source.   If everyone ignored Ron's stupid gay windy lies, windy's dumb jokes then he wouldn't have a reason to say them. He'd stop turning every thread into a bash on me. But until the rest of you quit follwing the fart joke windy's a liar humor....Ron's gonna continue. It's the only thing he has.[/quote] Windy, of course, it's never you doing it.  It's always the other guy.  If you want the threads to be about you, keep responding because it sure appears as if you want them to be about you.   If you don't want them to be about you, either don't respond or start a Windy thread and anytime someone talks about you, respond there instead of taking part in hijacking a thread.
Dec 17, 2009 10:25 pm

Again, blame Windy. Lets not blame Ron for his gay ignorant bashing. Nothing I said on my orignial post was wrong Ron. If I remember correctly, you don’t work at Jones. How about you let the Jones guys answer the questions about Jones and you stop attacking what I say.

  I can promise you this ANON, if Ron will stop with his absolute nonsense, these threads would never become about me. My initial post was fine, but of course here comes Ron. Mr. I know everything about Edward Jones because i was fired from there.
Dec 17, 2009 10:32 pm

Windy, you can’t take control over what Ron posts, but you have a choice about what you post.  You continuously post in such a way to ensure that the threads stay about you.  If you don’t want them to be about you, don’t respond.  If you want them to be about you, keep responding.  Don’t respond to this post unless you want to continue to make this about you.

Dec 17, 2009 10:34 pm

So I am to blame for the site wide hatred of Windy? Ok. Fine. I will ignore you from now on. I am sure you will never be ripped again.

Dec 17, 2009 10:35 pm

Windy, you can’t take control over what Ron posts, but you have a choice about what you post.  You continuously post in such a way to ensure that the threads stay about you.  If you don’t want them to be about you, don’t respond.  If you want them to be about you, keep responding.  Don’t respond to this post unless you want to continue to make this about you.

  My apologies for defending myself......If all this could be deleted, I would love for it to be. I posted along with everyone else on topic originally.
Dec 17, 2009 10:37 pm
Ron 14:

So I am to blame for the site wide hatred of Windy? Ok. Fine. I will ignore you from now on. I am sure you will never be ripped again.

  Ron - Stop making the thread about you.
Dec 17, 2009 10:52 pm

Think I ate something bad for lunch only got 78 dials today… going home sick…I guess it’s another saturday for me…

  Ron your inbox is full or I would reply...    
Dec 18, 2009 12:08 am

193 calls
40 contacts
15 prospects created

0 sales   I will get a sale just wait
Dec 18, 2009 12:09 am

[quote=chief123]Think I ate something bad for lunch only got 78 dials today… going home sick…I guess it’s another saturday for me…

  Ron your inbox is full or I would reply...    [/quote]   Maybe it has something to do with your postcount:  666
Dec 18, 2009 12:57 am

[quote=gethardgetraw]193 calls
40 contacts
15 prospects created

0 sales   I will get a sale just wait[/quote]       Great job, now do it again tomorrow.  If you continue to do this and remember to ask for the sales, they will come.
Dec 18, 2009 12:58 am

[quote=chief123]Think I ate something bad for lunch only got 78 dials today… going home sick…I guess it’s another saturday for me…

  Ron your inbox is full or I would reply...    [/quote]   cleared
Dec 18, 2009 12:59 am

good work, gethardgetraw

Dec 18, 2009 1:15 am


2 in a row. Kickin' A**. Consistency is key. Are you calling res or bus?
Dec 18, 2009 2:11 am

Not leaving messages I assume ?

Dec 18, 2009 1:51 pm

who’s prospecting next week?  how about the week between christmas and new years?  I’m coming in and going to give cold calling a shot, people should be in good moods   I don’t know what sort of luck i will have though.  Cold calling businesses are out, and residentials might be shaky with people traveling/family but i’m gonna give it a run

Dec 18, 2009 2:15 pm

I’m planning on purely doorknocking next week and the week after. People will be home, so I think it’s an excellent time to add a hundred or more prospects.

Dec 18, 2009 3:04 pm

who’s prospecting next week?  how about the week between christmas and new years?  I’m coming in and going to give cold calling a shot, people should be in good moods   I don’t know what sort of luck i will have though.  Cold calling businesses are out, and residentials might be shaky with people traveling/family but i’m gonna give it a run

  Of course.. working up til Dec 24th.. Then back at it on monday, would be making calls day after christmas if I didn't have family stuff to do.  
Dec 18, 2009 6:10 pm

[quote=on my own]


2 in a row. Kickin' A**. Consistency is key. Are you calling res or bus?[/quote]   Res   [quote=Ron 14]Not leaving messages I assume ?[/quote]   Nope, found that the 15 seconds or it takes is another call I can get in. Pound for pound, I believe a call has more +EV than a message.
Dec 18, 2009 6:19 pm

[quote=Ronnie Dobbs]I’m not chiming in much anymore, but alot of this information you guys are giving is misleading. So someone has to correct it.

  #1. Milestone Bonus's aren't much? $1000 just for going to eval/grad, $4000 at 4 months, $5000 at 8 Months and $7000 every quarter there after. I'm not sure how you think that doesn't help out a newbie. I received every single milestone bonus. They aren't hard to get Ron, you just have to meeting expectations, so you couldn't have been "average" or you'd have received them. There's no bells and whistles. If you are meeting expectations you get it, if you aren't you dont.  Those are NOT much, especially given that you have to be VERY consistent.  However, someone like you, it is some pretty good money.
  #2. Phone bill is $1-$3 a month. Thats not even worth griping over.   Depends.  My phone bill was $40 a month.
  #3. Who needs cable in your office? not to mention most offices have Jones satellite, and i have about 20 channels with that. Cost me $0 and i get to watch Peoples Court at lunch.  What?!  I only had one channel with Jones satellite.
  #4. Jones gives you a box of 1000 business cards every year. When you buy them it's only about $30 bucks. I'd say I buy 1 every quarter if not every other quarter. Really not an expense to gripe about either.  Agree here.
  #5. Postage is discounted, but Jones also gives you $2000 credit when you first start that you can use for all your postage and marketing materials (Including Business Cards). Its lasted me about a year, and i still have about 1/3 of it left.  $2000 is for marketing and postage?  That's not much if you are trying to get the word out.
  #6. Most of the EJ sales material you can print off your computer in color, so you don't HAVE to spend any money buying it. If you want it to be on nice paper, spend $10 for a box of 100 pages of high gloss paper.  Toner, see below.
  #7. Toner is paid for as well as paper. We do not pay for those, so i'm not sure where you got your information.  Maybe things have changed, but when I was at Jones (Spiff, B24 you can verify this), but color toner came off of net. 
  #8. You do pay for upgrading your office, but there are plenty of ways to get Jones to pay for some of that. They paid for me to repaint my office, also paid for me to get my clients their own parking spot. If you call home office, there are people who will work with you.  Jones is very strict about what they pay for.  Paint colors, even carpeting.  Example:  If you need new carpet, they will pay for the BOA area and the FA office, but if you have any other rooms that you utilize they will not pay for it.  They will also not pay to get rid of nasty sinks. 
  #9. Whats toilet paper? $5 every month?  BOAs use a LOT of toilet paper. 
  #10. All the envelopes and mailing material are pretty much free. There are very little "Edward Jones" things that cost on the supply screen that you need on a daily basis. Nice folders, candy jars, etc cost...but you can get by without that junk.  You can get by without anything, but if you are trying to look professional, those things help.  I would much rather spend the money on myself.
  I think i've spent a total of maybe $100 this whole year on supplies and things i need on a daily basis. You guys are definitly trying to make it out to be something its not. Sure if you are taking people to lunch everyday, buying furniture, remodeling your office, wasting postage, buying every marketing peice you can find...then it's expensive. If you use your resources to your advantage, it will cost you next to nothing.   By the way...hit Seg 3 and my second div trip in my first year...Not that anyone cares, but i'm proud of it.[/quote]

Once again, the payout is lower than 40%.  Especially when considering insurance. 

Self-employment insurance for me and my family is SIGNIFICANTLY better than the program at Jones and is 50% cheaper. 

BTW - Congratulations on Seg 3 and your div trip.