EDJ Door Knocking?
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There really isn’t anyway to standardize this experience for you guys when each neighborhood or area is so different. City vs country. Ritzy neighborhood vs. middle class. Old homes vs new homes.
For example in parts of my location it was near impossible to even knock on 25 doors a day because the doors were not within walking distance of each other. I had to drive down some very long dirt driveways. However, everyone was home and friendly. Other areas I walked in were suburban neighborhood types and you could actually meet with 25 different households in a a day. Not everyone was happy to have company in those areas or would even answer the door when you knew they were home. Leave a brochure and your card in that case. I punched a hole in the corner of the brochure and used a rubber band to attach to the door and scribbled a note on the literature saying I was sorry I missed them.
I never had any altercations, but I am a woman so maybe I was getting nicer treatment for that reason. Quite often I was confused with the Avon lady and the women who were at home were a bit disappointed . I did have a very few rude people slam doors in my face. Win some lose some. Dogs were the biggest problem. Animals usually love me and fall all over me but occasionally there would be the barking and not tail wagging dog that would make me decide discretion is the better part of valor and not get out of my car. Also as a woman I was very careful on which homes I would go into when invited. Surprisingly, I was quite often invited to come in and have a soda or cup of coffee. Again, possibly my area or my gender or the older age of the people who I was prospecting.
One of the people in my "class" at Jones (also a woman) had an area that was heavily gated and legally restricted from soliciting. What she did was place flyers announcing upcoming seminars in businesses and other locations that serviced those communities. She did get some interest there. One of her most successful was a combination cooking class, held by a popular local chef, with some on the side investment information. Her area was also heavily upper end and "gay" couples. She tailored her info seminars to topics that pertained to their interests.
I did get some good accounts from the door knocking experience and some decent roll over IRA and 401K accounts. Some people took months to eventually become clients some within a few days. After the initial door visits I would drip newlsetters and promotional flyers all over them and call on phone to follow up to see if they were interested. Surprisingly months later they would come in with an old brochure, long after I had given up on them, and say OK now I'm ready. My style is pleasantly persistant and not to push product at the door step or even much over the phone. I was/am more into the relationship and the products just naturally fall into place after that. But that is just me.
It does work, you are not selling investments at the door, you are mearly trying to build the beginnings of a relationship. You are making this way to complicated. An office is just a detail. When you are new it works a lot better to have the appointment at the persons house anyway, then you are guaranteed they will show up. How do you accomplish this? You call them with an idea, when you get a buying signal you say “How about I stop by and show you a little bit more about this”… you just made yourself an appt to meet with them. Yes you may have to work your tail off to meet 25 a day, but do this and you will succeed, I don’t care if you are with EJ or someone else, that too my friend is just details. It is all about YOU.
It does work, you are not selling investments at the door, you are mearly trying to build the beginnings of a relationship. You are making this way to complicated. An office is just a detail. When you are new it works a lot better to have the appointment at the persons house anyway, then you are guaranteed they will show up. How do you accomplish this? You call them with an idea, when you get a buying signal you say "How about I stop by and show you a little bit more about this"... you just made yourself an appt to meet with them. Yes you may have to work your tail off to meet 25 a day, but do this and you will succeed, I don't care if you are with EJ or someone else, that too my friend is just details. It is all about YOU.
But that's so haaaaard.
I know its hard. It is torture as I like to say. But just be a robot and do it and you will not regret it.
EDJ door knocking can't be as difficult as rapping on doors trying to get a republican candidate's primary petition signed! Let me tell you about vicious people. It was for a Congressman that was always photographed with Pres. Bush - and you probably can guess Bush's rating. But you have to take it all in stride and smile.
On top of that, I volunteered to make phone calls to REGISTERED republicans on ELECTION day. Again having to deal with nasty rude people. I must admit it was actually fun trying to have a conversation with the rude people. I actually got a couple of them apologizing and promising to get out and vote.
[quote=ThinkingAboutIt]I know its hard. It is torture as I like to say. But just be a robot and do it and you will not regret it. [/quote]
How long have you been a tortured robot?
[quote=ThinkingAboutIt]I know its hard. It is torture as I like to say. But just be a robot and do it and you will not regret it. [/quote]
How long have you been a tortured robot?
I've seen first hand people who have been tortured, bullet holes in their head, unspeakable things done to them, if you even think you have it as bad as those who truely have been tortured, or even consider knocking on doors as the same ballpark as torture, you need medication.
You are an employee, if you don't like it, quit.
Has anyone done door knocking on Sunday afternoons? I'm curious as that is when working people are home...
Mando…Why don’t you try it and then tell us if it works. Personally, if I had to dk on Sunday to make ends meet, I’d get a second job. Evenings and Saturday AM is more desirable, but to have a sales guy at my door on Sunday is almost unbearable!! I like the thought process, but you can catch alot of people between 5-7pm and 9-12 on Sat. Just my 2 cents. (Weddle and the gang would love to hear their employee is dking on Sundays) If you want browny points, stand up at the new IR meeting and talk about your success dking Sunday’s.
bspears - thanks for the input. I'm not an IR, but am considering a career change in the future. I imagine someone selling on Sundays would be a bit much for many homeowners, but what about using your old method of just introducing yourself? Maybe just the Sunday "invasion" would be to much for folks to tolerate.
If I were to try and actually get hired on with EJ, I'll keep the Sunday door knocking thing in my mind for a mention at a new IR meeting!
PS - I think it was your mention of not selling on doorsteps, but just introducing yourself.
bspears - thanks for the input. I'm not an IR, but am considering a career change in the future. I imagine someone selling on Sundays would be a bit much for many homeowners, but what about using your old method of just introducing yourself? Maybe just the Sunday "invasion" would be to much for folks to tolerate.
If I were to try and actually get hired on with EJ, I'll keep the Sunday door knocking thing in my mind for a mention at a new IR meeting!
Sorry bspears, that was babbling looney who mentioned not selling on the doorsteps, but just introducing herself.
Did the EJ doorknocking. For me it wasn't a bad experience - I think it probably depends on your personality and expectations. I still have some customers from the doorknocking 6 years ago that I consider friends and transferred with me when I left. Everyone who has REALLY done it has some good stories. The worst for me was the guy that came to the door with nothing on from the waist down. I put him on my Do Not Call list. I also found it usefull to keep some doggie treats in my pocket to toss to the aggressive dogs so I could make my escape before they toreout the backside of my pants. My doorknocking was in a rural midwestern area - it's something I sure wouldn't want my wife or daughter to do.
If you do decide to go with Jones, the doorknocking can work in the right situtation. Just let them know who you are and what you do. Stay in touch with them. Build a relationship with them first - then be their adviser.
Everyone who has REALLY done it has some good stories. The worst for me was the guy that came to the door with nothing on from the waist down. I put him on my Do Not Call list. [/quote]
I woke up a guy taking a nap, wearing his tighty whiteys. I was already 1/2 way to the next house when he answered the door, and he took several steps outside to talk to me and find out who I was. He then asked me to step inside so he didn't have to stand outside in his underwear, a reasonable request from his point of view. I was desperate enough that I followed him inside. I soon discovered that he had no teeth, and those tighty whiteys represented a substantial portion of his net worth. I later found out that another IR in the area (several of us were crawling over each other) had a similar experience with him a few weeks earlier.
Neither of us got his account, I think he spent all of his $$ at the methadone clinic.
The best one I ever heard happened to a guy the next town over, during a period the Mormons had been out walking the same neighborhood as the IR for the past few weeks. He was a real young guy, who could have easily passed for one of the Mormons (except he was alone, and they usually go in pairs). An attractive high school girl answered the door in panties and a tight t-shirt, with nothing on underneath. She "accidently" spilled a glass of water on her shirt. She then said "I know how religious you are, and I bet this is really freaking you out." That is when the IR told her he was with EDJ and not LDS.
I think I read the same story in the forum of a certain men's magazine, except she had a twin sister.
And then the entire varsity cheerleading AND soccer team jumped out of the bushes and practically begged this successful financial advisor to make sweet sweet love to ALL OF THEM AT ONCE.....
It was quite a day in the life of an EDJ rep...
After a comprehensive portfolio review with deep drilling down into particulars, the prospect was quite impressed and a became another satisfied client.That was the day the hamburger sales technique was born and rest as we say is history…
And then the entire varsity cheerleading AND soccer team jumped out of the bushes and practically begged this successful financial advisor to make sweet sweet love to ALL OF THEM AT ONCE…
It was quite a day in the life of an EDJ rep...
[/quote]Was it the men's soccer team or the women's soccer team?