The Donald
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[quote=Philo Kvetch]
And we all know that the joke is on the client.
If Allreit really DID have a brain, they would have chased BF up with Stop
orders, locking in the gains.[/quote]
This position is held at an account at UBS, I have no control over it.
[quote=AllREIT] [quote=Philo Kvetch]
And we all know that the joke is on the client.
If Allreit really DID have a brain, they would have chased BF up with Stop
orders, locking in the gains.[/quote]
This position is held at an account at UBS, I have no control over it.
[quote=Philo Kvetch]And we all know that the joke is on the client.
If Allreit really DID have a brain, they would have chased BF up with Stop
orders, locking in the gains.[/quote]
This position is held at an account at UBS, I have no control over it.
I see.
So when you use the term “the client” you mean that the person is
someone’s client, just not your client.
Are you really a broker?
[quote=Philo Kvetch]
I see.
So when you use the term “the client” you mean that the person is
someone’s client, just not your client.
Are you really a broker?[/quote]
RIA baby,
[cut for size]
Similarly, his boss (a very successful real estate broker) has a husband who is retired and day trades as his hobby, refusing to take their sizable assets to an advisor.
Do people like this frustrate you, or do you sit and wait until they inevitably get in over their heads and come asking for help?
I look at people like that as the people who add liquidity to the markets. If there were only smart people in the markets, the markets would be very boring indeed.
Waiting for them is farcical (as in Waiting for Godot is a farce) because they will never believe that they are at fault for having lost everything, and instead they will blame "the Jewish cabal that runs this country and hates white people" of which of course all Wall Streeters are a part (witting or otherwise).
[quote=Philo Kvetch]I see.
So when you use the term “the client” you mean that the person is
someone’s client, just not your client.
Are you really a broker?[/quote]
RIA baby,
So that would be a “no”.
I didn’t think that you knew enough.
[quote=joedabrkr] [quote=mikebutler222][quote=joedabrkr] [quote=Borker Boy]
I've always respected Donald Trump's accomplishments, but I've never really liked the guy. However, I'm reading a book by him and Robert Kiyosaki and have found it to be extremely enlightening--even though they're very rough on financial advisors.
At one point they make sure the whole world knows that "it takes longer to become a massage therapist than it does to become a financial advisor."
Sad but true. There's a lot of people in our business who just aren't qualified.
I don't know how long it takes to become a massage therapist, but I do know of those two, the former is a tasteless, loud-mouth buffoon who largely fell into his position in life (thanks Daddy) and the latter is a complete and total fraud.
Honest question Mike-why is Kiyosaki a fraud?
For some reason, Yahoo lets kiyosaki post his blather on Yahoo Finance. Check out the viewer ratings on his "articles".
Kiyowsaki should stick to heavy industry manufacturing and building some badass motorcycles.
Those ratings are hilarious, especially the lone person giving him five stars
Thanks for sharing!