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Feb 20, 2007 6:51 am

I think money is a moonlighting preacher.

Feb 20, 2007 1:17 pm

 cute - you think this with "what happens on a deployment stays on a deployment: Las Vegas heard it from the military first.

Stilllllll waiting to hear what Achiever has to say (final words) to let us know how he wants a meaningful relationship and yet is looking for a little action, too.  Achiever, just kidding about the snot nose part...

let's hear more from Achiever unless he's busy getting a "little action, giving a new meaning to checking out a client's portfolio".

Feb 21, 2007 11:13 pm

As someone who is getting married in their 2nd year in this industry, I can tell you it is possible.

Jan 17, 2008 1:38 pm

LOL at this post. I’m surprised the OP hasnt been called “NANCY” yet! Date rich clients. Whats ur alternative? Drunk college girls??

Jan 18, 2008 1:31 am
  I feel your energy, and let me tell you im right there with you on that level you are on.  I asked myself the same question.  Establish yourself first before getting tied down.  Its hard if you want to be in a relationship, and you miss those feelings but you just have to stick it out for a bit.    you will know deep down inside when it is time, or when it is right.  You could meet her next week, and who knows maybe it was meant to be.  You see where I am going on that?         [quote=Achiever]Hey Guys:

A young ambitious hotblooded male here... I'll be breaking into the industry next year with a top-notch wirehouse firm. I am confident (at least for now) with the business and marketing aspect of this career. One doubt, if any, is of the personal nature. Being naturally ambitious and insatiably hungry, I want fulfillment in everything. One thing that I know I would want at least in some form is a relationship. For me, I need the emotional solace in having someone there to share my burdens, make me forgot my pains and cherish me for who I am. One of the reasons why I didn't get into investment banking is that I know in my heart of hearts that I wasn't willing to sell my soul to work 100+ hour weeks. While this industry is intensely free for those who have made it, I know I'll probably be pitching 70+ hour weeks for the first five years of my career.

My question is: is getting and maintaining a girlfriend realistic for a young broker? Can I try to swing for two birds with one stone and hit on hot clients or try to convert dates into clients so that I maximize my efforts? What are your tips and advice with such an issue?

Thanks much.

Jan 18, 2008 1:33 am

Oh wow I just noticed how old this thread was!  Maybe he can give us an update on how it went.

Jan 18, 2008 3:19 am

He spent all his time chasing after the love of his life and failed out of the business.

Jan 18, 2008 7:04 pm

Or he took the advice and dated his mother’s rich divorced friends, then pulled an Anna Nicole Smith.  Why work when you can marry money?

Jan 18, 2008 11:35 pm

I notice none of our “wise guys” here have not come forward to confess how they balance their saggy wife with the busty perky ethnic receptionist.