Cold Calling
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I was trying to pitch stocks for about a month or two and was having a very difficult time doing it. Everyone else in my office was pitching commodities and was opening account right and left. Someone in my offices opened 18 account in one month. I decided to get my series 3. What a different world pitching commodities instead of stocks! Now that I have relationship with these guys who opened commodities account I am going to attempt to get there stock portfolio.
Just thought I would share my experience with my past few months
That’s a tough market… If those accounts go south(don’t think they will)… good luck getting those people to give you any money ever again…
Agreed, however we are making out clients money. We have a lot of happy clients with us investing in commodities. Our clients are also very aware of the risk at hand. We are buying unleaded gasoline options…
Commodities have out performed the market the past for year. Also, people are investing in something which they are effected by day in and day out. It makes senses to them, and they also believe the price of gas is only going up…
I don’t disagree, I am just saying when commodities collapse it is never 10-20%… normally 40-50%… not a bad way to get an initial account though…
I don’t have those available to me
When a person wants to talk SHUT THE F UP AND LISTEN. The more they tell you about themselves the more they feel they know you. The more they ‘think’ they know you the more they will trust you. The more they trust you the more they will seriously consider doing business.
Cold calling... 300 dials = 15 warm leads with some degree of qualification = 1 'customer' after 9 contacts. The best way to sharpen your future calls and find out just how completely terrible you are now is to tape your calls and listen to them after hours.Awesome!!! I, on the other hand, would not tell the client what I was calling about per say but more about an idea that if it didn't get an apt may get them talking about what they really want. Mr. warm call ... how would you feel about an idea that could insure your safe money against loss? What is it Broker??? How does it work? Well Mr. warm call have you ever made a decision on such an important issue over the phone? No I agree with you Mr. warm guy. Not only only that but there are a few ways to achieve this and its something I need to show you. Would you be against taking measures that can stop you from loosing your safe money? Of coarse I'm open on bla bla bla yada yada yada.I was trying to pitch stocks for about a month or two and was having a very difficult time doing it. Everyone else in my office was pitching commodities and was opening account right and left. Someone in my offices opened 18 account in one month. I decided to get my series 3. What a different world pitching commodities instead of stocks! Now that I have relationship with these guys who opened commodities account I am going to attempt to get there stock portfolio.
Just thought I would share my experience with my past few months
[quote=Ryan561]I was trying to pitch stocks for about a month or two and was having a very difficult time doing it. Everyone else in my office was pitching commodities and was opening account right and left. Someone in my offices opened 18 account in one month. I decided to get my series 3. What a different world pitching commodities instead of stocks! Now that I have relationship with these guys who opened commodities account I am going to attempt to get there stock portfolio. Just thought I would share my experience with my past few months
I, on the other hand, would not tell the client what I was calling about per say but more about an idea that if it didn’t get an apt may get them talking about what they really want.
Mr. warm call … how would you feel about an idea that could insure your safe money against loss?
What is it Broker??? How does it work?
Well Mr. warm call have you ever made a decision on such an important issue over the phone?
I agree with you Mr. warm guy. Not only only that but there are a few ways to achieve this and its something I need to show you.
Would you be against taking measures that can stop you from loosing your safe money?
Of coarse I’m open on bla bla bla yada yada yada.[/quote]
When I first call people about commodities I am just telling them about the idea. I qualify them and try to get them as interested as possible. I then front them(send them out material and the proper info to open an account) and I call them back a week later and close them. If there are SUPER interested on the first call and I feel as if I can cold slam them I will. The more I learn and more I call I am able to close more and more people on my first call.