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Nov 3, 2005 9:34 pm


Nog- Cant do that. If the prospect was invested in Fidelity Advisor funds that would be a slam dunk, but since they are investing through Fidleity's no load channel, you cannot B/D change it.


Blarm, why not the no loads?

Nov 4, 2005 1:04 am

They are not transferrable in most instances. Just like Merrill cannot hold Morgan Stanley funds, you probably wont be able to transfer in no loas like Van or Fid… Firms have selling and transfer agreements and most firms usually dont transfer no loads and hold them. Of course, check with your firm on that one though.

Nov 4, 2005 2:20 am

Blarmston- I can hold them.

Nov 4, 2005 2:48 am


Well then you hold them, care for them, and treat them like your own. You provide a good home for them, make sure they get 3 well rounded meals per day, keep them off the streets and away from the drugs. Make sure they are home by 10pm, they dont drink and drink, and value their education... Then maybe one day you can see them become adults and watch with pride as they go out into the world...

Nov 4, 2005 3:07 am

Blarmston- You got me on that one. I hope you have a great weekend…

Nov 4, 2005 2:11 pm

[quote=blarmston]They are not transferrable in most instances. Just like Merrill cannot hold Morgan Stanley funds, you probably wont be able to transfer in no loas like Van or Fid.. Firms have selling and transfer agreements and most firms usually dont transfer no loads and hold them. Of course, check with your firm on that one though.[/quote]

Blarm, "second tier" RJ can take Fidelity (& Vanguard too), and they're both part of fee account universe.  While we don't have selling agreement w/ MS funds, we can get them ACATed into IRA accounts; regular accounts can only hold them by a certificate transfer (no ACAT).  Gee, I'm surprised "first tier" Merrill doesn't offer you that capablility .   

Nov 4, 2005 2:49 pm

LPL can tranfer Vanguard in kind. I have a prospect for about $2.1 ml  I trying to transfer into a fee account.  

No offense but I like being INDY! 

Nov 4, 2005 4:32 pm


Leave it alone bud. One half serious comment a few days ago still has you irked huh? Pull up your skirt and get over it...

Nov 4, 2005 6:41 pm

Not irked at all, Blarm.  Just having fun with you too!

PS:  I'm wearing a tight mini-skirt today and there's not much to pull up.

Nov 4, 2005 8:40 pm

Duke- Good for you. Is it faded denim with rips in the $SS? Were you also wearing a cheap low cut blouse? and are you about 70 poiunds overweight? If so, I just saw you on the streets of La Jolla about 15 minutes ago. Truly a diosgusting sight by the way…

Nov 4, 2005 8:50 pm

No, that wasn't me, but I saw her too.  She was heading into the Merrill office.

Nov 4, 2005 10:09 pm

Yeah, with a check for probably about 4-5 million…

Nov 4, 2005 10:32 pm

Actually cash.  Then she went out to lunch arm in arm with the AML compliance officer.

Nov 7, 2005 4:22 pm

OK, well you all sure know how to have fun.

I can't get this prospect off my mind.  I have a good plan for my second meeting and I will let you know how I do.

Nov 7, 2005 5:59 pm

Good luck.  Don't let the client see dollar signs in your eyeballs!  Stress that you care about them and will provide top notch personal service that they haven't been getting before. 

After you land the deal and they are gone.from your office....then do a backflip and start assessing the dollar signs.

Nov 8, 2005 5:32 pm

Tooooo freakin BAD I was not in this industry 3-4 years ago.. When I was hanging with some top baseball players.. I'll have to contact them and post the progress on here.  Just would not be able to be to specific.

For sure some of the youngsters waste a lot of money, but if I could inform them of long term growth and living off of your millions..

Nov 8, 2005 8:21 pm

Second meeting went very well.  They are anxious for the next meeting.  Me too! cause that is where we will sign them up!

What worked?  Service. Analysis of their current portfolio.  Asset allocation - - -and in the end  - - -ME.  Thank you Nick Murray and Warren Buffet.

Nov 11, 2005 5:48 pm

I didn't mean for this thread to get diverted to this discussion, but I couldn't be silent after you started it.  Merrill's a fine firm and I'm glad you're happy there.  But, don't drink the wirehouse Koolaid and assume that non-wirehouse firms like RJ are "second tier" when it comes to serving retail clients & retail reps.  Learn before you opine.

You tell em Duke!!!

Hoping to get signatures next week.

Nov 12, 2005 2:03 pm


Tooooo freakin BAD I was not in this

industry 3-4 years ago… When I was hanging with some top baseball

players… I’ll have to contact them and post the progress on here. Just

would not be able to be to specific. For sure some of the youngsters

waste a lot of money, but if I could inform them of long term growth and

living off of your millions…


Give em a call. Maybe you can score a couple 8 balls for old times sake.