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Best script for wealth mgmt (really fee based )

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Jul 17, 2010 12:50 pm


Hey, considering how "easy" it is to get business at a bank, why didn't/don't you go that route? Gee, just tap into the mainframe of the computer, and pick off all the rich folk huh? Either you don't know anything about working at a B/D at a bank, or you're just a fool for working where you do. Clearly, it is one or the other isn't it?

I never sold anything either. No, stupid me was just trying to help some rookie/new folk with some of my past experience. I simply posted the numbers of calls, appts, gross I had. Compared to your wheel spinning, can't blame you for being ticked off. Go drink your pain away, I'm meeting a rich client in a few minutes. ..

I indeed was planning on closing my acct here at RR because I got/didn't get what I was looking for. But, since the three of us are having so much fun, I'll stick around a bit longer. I'll be in touch.


Never said the bank was easy...those are your words not mine.  What I did say is that you misrepresented yourself and your so called goodwill that you were so gracious enough to share with everyone esle...there is no denying that.  Sir, I have ALWAYS been successful at everything I have done in my life.  Why?  Because I am willing to put in the consistent work that it matter what the endeavor.  Geoff Colvin calls it deliberate practice.  Do this over time and you have no choice, but to be a success.  My military experience (special forces at that) has also given me the ability to know who is a firebreather and who is nothing more than a poser.  And I will leave it at that.  Have a good weekend with your rich clients!

Jul 19, 2010 6:53 pm

By the way, your credibility goes out the window when you refer to clients as being "rich."

Jul 19, 2010 7:22 pm


By the way, your credibility goes out the window when you refer to clients as being "rich."


Little guy, that doesn't even make sense.... She's worth 20m, if that isn't "rich", well....

I've made 5 calls today, done nearly 6k in gross. For the month, at 27k. What have you done?

How many calls you made today? How about all of last week? How about the entire month of June? Get on the phone, get with the program, and "overcome" those obstacles you discussed in your blog. You got until rates start hiking to make some hay. Call on munis, 5% tax free is much better than the 1% their cd/banks are paying... Trust me, you'll regret every moment you wasted.

Back in the late 90s I was moving 7.75% GE paper, AAA rated. I did very well on cold calls to complete strangers at the wire I was working for. I was in a downtown office, the people mailed in checks, opened the accounts over the phone. For a couple months, I was averaging a new account per day doing that. After the Asian Contagion, the fed jacked rates, and my party was over. I regretted that I didn't work harder than I did, it was like shooting fish in a barrel for a while. Find something like that, and call, call, call...

I only need to make 2-3 calls a day, you need to make quite a few more than that. Arguing with me is a serious waste of time for you...

Jul 20, 2010 8:52 pm

Not hard to do $30-$40K a month at a bank, bigger secret is how to keep MORE of it.  Most banks that have an internal investment firm max out at a 35% payout.  I would rather make 90% as an indie...........:)

Jul 20, 2010 10:11 pm

way to turn a perfectly good thread into garbage, fellas

Jul 21, 2010 4:31 am

A targeted list and message will always give you better conversions. I think I have made the same amt of weekly calls as Firepower has and pulled in a cold 4 million in about 4 1/2 months. So, it can be done. I can do more, but I am either distracted with meetings, bs talk in offices and etc.,  I am starting to see if I can just keep consistent and pull in the big elephants. 

Read Dave Mullen's second book, and they mention a woman who was a million dollar producer in 2 years. She did it by calling on big money - so it can be done. What we are doing is tonka toys compared to that woman. 

Jul 21, 2010 1:54 pm


A targeted list and message will always give you better conversions. I think I have made the same amt of weekly calls as Firepower has and pulled in a cold 4 million in about 4 1/2 months. So, it can be done. I can do more, but I am either distracted with meetings, bs talk in offices and etc.,  I am starting to see if I can just keep consistent and pull in the big elephants. 

Read Dave Mullen's second book, and they mention a woman who was a million dollar producer in 2 years. She did it by calling on big money - so it can be done. What we are doing is tonka toys compared to that woman. [/quote]

Sounds like a must-read, thanks.  I am not a million dollar producer (yet), but I have to think that most of them are not on here, they have other stuff to do............:)

Jul 21, 2010 3:38 pm

What are you alls thoughts on leaving a voice mail? I've been getting many offers from the gate keeper to leave a voice mail for the person I'm calling. If I have a good bond im pushing, is it worth it?

Jul 21, 2010 4:56 pm


Not hard to do $30-$40K a month at a bank, bigger secret is how to keep MORE of it.  Most banks that have an internal investment firm max out at a 35% payout.  I would rather make 90% as an indie...........:)


I am indy now. The bank I worked at had a 50% payout at the top end. For 35-40k, it was about 40%. But, since the melt down, most bank programs have trimmed payouts, or they've made cuts in GDSC on certain products. For someone with 3-5 yrs of experience, going from a wire to bank can be a great way to go. Just do your homework very careful. I know lots of folks at Wells Fargo, that program is pretty good if you can find a good manager, and a decent cluster of bank branches, or get lined up with some biz bankers. In my case, I was eventually going to leave, and the melt down did it for me, my timing was good.  

Jul 21, 2010 5:02 pm

[quote=The Rook]

What are you alls thoughts on leaving a voice mail? I've been getting many offers from the gate keeper to leave a voice mail for the person I'm calling. If I have a good bond im pushing, is it worth it?


I kept very good records when I called. I found that leaving a voice mail was actually better in getting results than talking to someone. Half the folks you talk to, might not be the decision maker. The voice mail can be played over and over again. Trouble is, my calling was done before the national do not call list came out. I tried buying a list from CIS last year, and found that the population is overwhelmingly signed up on that. But, if you can legally call someone, by ALL MEANS, leave a voice mail. Your spiel should be hard hitting, 35 seconds in length. And like many others here, I'd suggest you call with product, that the client is motivated to buy. Munis, are the most obvious, but I also had some success calling on packaged products where I could provide some stated return/benefit. Good luck!

Jul 22, 2010 2:14 pm

I also leave lots of VM messages.  If they call back, they are interested at some level.  Lots of guys I know who cold call do NOT leave VM, and I think they are leaving a LOT of money on the table...........but to each their own.......:)

Jul 22, 2010 2:14 pm

I also leave lots of VM messages.  If they call back, they are interested at some level.  Lots of guys I know who cold call do NOT leave VM, and I think they are leaving a LOT of money on the table...........but to each their own.......:)

Jul 22, 2010 2:33 pm

I never had that much luck with leaving messages. What is the percentage that call back? 10%?

Jul 22, 2010 4:44 pm


A targeted list and message will always give you better conversions. I think I have made the same amt of weekly calls as Firepower has and pulled in a cold 4 million in about 4 1/2 months. So, it can be done. I can do more, but I am either distracted with meetings, bs talk in offices and etc.,  I am starting to see if I can just keep consistent and pull in the big elephants. 

Read Dave Mullen's second book, and they mention a woman who was a million dollar producer in 2 years. She did it by calling on big money - so it can be done. What we are doing is tonka toys compared to that woman. 


What they failed to tell you in that book is that her husband was partner of a huge law firm.. Most of her clients came from that..(Just saying not exactly equal playing field)

Jul 23, 2010 2:37 pm

Otane - 0.5-1%

I've tried both. Leaving and not leaving VM. I've found it's worth it to leave a VM. When they call back, they almost always have to funds available and they want to buy today. 200 calls a day and you have 1-2 call backs. Your VM has to be good and leave them wanting to hear more.

"Mr/Mrs ___. This is ___ from ____ here in town. We had a __(state)__ tax-free bond that was paying over ___%. It's ___ rated. Not sure if you've ever bought a tax-free bond, but if you may be interested call me back and I can tell you more about it . __(phone number)___."

Takes 10 seconds.

Jul 24, 2010 10:28 pm

You are probably right on the VM. By the time you go through your whole list, and call them back in a couple of months, they will forget you. I called on a large account, met with the guy, and he forgot what I pitched him on. 


I actually know the name of the fictitious person in Mullen's book 2. Just wondering if we are talking about the same person. Why don't you shoot over the initials, and see if it matches.