Best regional ever!
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I was refering to the words in bold Window. I could care less about the rest. You know with as many people on here, someone is going to post about it. I mean just read it and imagine someone else wrote it. "Your a moron" Now laugh it off and get back to dialing.
How else on earth could someone translate that sentence? What exactly did you mean by "I'm sure even you independents have things you can't do". It can't be back office support because you would have said "There are things that independents don't have", as opposed to "can't do". It can't be trips, because then you would have said "There are things that independents don't have as incentives", as opposed to "can't do". It can't be marketing help, because you again would have said "There are things independents don't have", as opposed to "can't do". I'm just trying to figure out what you mean by "can't do", other than sell certain products.I’m sure even you Independents have things you can’t do, wish you could do, or wish you had, that Jones as a big company can do.
You guys say the forum is boring…
Sounds like you are just bored, trying to find something to argue about and this is usually what it boils down to…Arguing over type-o’s and taking senteces out of context and turning them into fact statements…[/quote]
Actually, we were having a pretty good time with the wire guys a little while back. It got pretty lively. Didn’t really involve you or anyone else from Jones.
Also, we had fun with this guy selling free FHA leads.
It’s not all about you man.
[quote=wind3574] [quote=3rdyrp2] [quote=wind3574]I’m sure even you Independents have things you can’t do, wish you could do, or wish you had, that Jones as a big company can do.[/quote]
How else on earth could someone translate that sentence? What exactly did you mean by "I'm sure even you independents have things you can't do". It can't be back office support because you would have said "There are things that independents don't have", as opposed to "can't do". It can't be trips, because then you would have said "There are things that independents don't have as incentives", as opposed to "can't do". It can't be marketing help, because you again would have said "There are things independents don't have", as opposed to "can't do". I'm just trying to figure out what you mean by "can't do", other than sell certain products.[/quote]
–verb (used with object)
1. to perform (an act, duty, role, etc.):
Back Office Support: Me - Did you call Back Office Support.
You - No I didn't DO it. I can't call back support, we don't have it. This part was covered in the "wish you had" part of your original sentence. Nice try with the example though!
Div Trips: Me - Did you go on a Div Trip
You - No I didn't. That's not something I really wan't to DO.
This part was covered either in the "wish you could do" or "wish you had" part of your original sentence.
Marketing Help: Me - Did you get any help with your marketing.
You - No, I didn't call them because I'm too busy to DO that. This part was covered in the "wish you had" part of your original sentence. And your example sentence above doesn't even make sense. "No I didn't call them" isn't an acceptable answer to "Did you get any help with your marketing". The person who asked the question would look at you cross-eyed. Either the company has marketing support or it doesn't. It doesn't require any action on your part.
Hmmm....Sounds to me like you can DO all those things.... If this is what you had in mind when you wrote the original sentence than you have worse English than ANY of us originally thought. And we didn't originally think much of it. Neither do your clients.
As a guy who has certainly posted his share of Edward Jones bashings, I say enough is enough…Sooner or later the pendulum swings to a place where one is comfortable with the way they do business. I prefer LPL for myself. Several of my friends at Ed Jones have stayed there while others are at LPL, RJ and Next Financial. There were several things that EJ did and still does that I found irrating but I am certain that for the person that buys into all the culture they have would not have a problem with at all. I help people when they call me from EJ understand the outside world as they are essentially clueless on the differences unless they have done a lot of research. My wife misses the Div Trips at Jones but we have actually been able to vacation since I moved my practice. One of the better decisions of my life was getting into the industry as well as moving to independence.
I wish everyone well as they search for that perfect spot on the beach, mountains or vineyard !!! May it suit your soul....Here is an example of why you are a d***.... [quote=window3574]Oh I've had lots of people ask me that, but they ask everyone that, when they have a good month. Just didn't speak at the Summer Regional.[/quote] [quote=jkl1v1n6]Very humble response. You are learning young Skywalker.[/quote] No bashing, no out of context, actually some what of a complement. and then... [quote=jkl1v1n6]Wind, I'm not going to bash on you but when you tell Volt, "Your a moron" or "Your and idiot", it's "You're a moron" and "You're an idiot". You've used your since the beginning of your postings and it doesn't add to your intelligence in your debates.[/quote] [quote=window3574]When I am trying to type between phone calls, client meetings, school, kids, and blah blah....I could care less whether i type in proper form on this site. Has nothing to do with whether or not I'm capable. I just dont give a f***. Find something better to talk about...[/quote] No bashing, no out of context, just a valid comment. Why not just answer "oh damn..., i did f it he got the point"[quote=Moraen]
It’s not all about you man.
Never once said it was. But I can’t post one comment, without someone picking it apart and taking it out of context.
can’t we just all get along? what happened to bashing the regionals, i don’t care if you drink le koolaid or not, regionals are seriously lame, they have no value added and aside from everyone there bragging about how the just brought in the next zillion dollar account, its kinda like high school with all the different clicks (of course those are somewhat adjusted with the spouses being there and all)…its sad, the ‘family’ spirit they try to evoke when in reality most of the FAs can’t stand each other (i know there are some good regions, but definitely not mine)…i don’t see the point in having all of these regional’s, especially at a time when the firm is looking at cost
People that complain about clicks in their regionals probably don’t have any friends. Are you fat?
just kidding.haha that’s hilarious! maybe everyone else is fat and i’m the lone skinny chick, or is that not even an option?
If you are not sure post a pic and we will let you know if you were the one looking for food or you were the one thought of as foodhaha that’s hilarious! maybe everyone else is fat and i’m the lone skinny chick, or is that not even an option?