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Nick Murray Prospecting Script

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May 21, 2024 8:33 pm
mama1212 wrote:
Is there anyone still around? I personally have had success on the phone. 9 years in the business, built it from the ground up at wire house calling pilots and while my peers where getting more and more accronyms behind their name, I had built a 50mm book of business 75 percent fee based.
The main thing I have learned - investors today are looking for protection. Give them an idea they havent heard of (BCRED) or FIA with 10 cap and no downside - preach Yale style portfolio of dividend paying stocks, alternatives, and then become an expert on annuities.
I've learned there are advisors who only sell annuities and advisors who dont touch them. In specific scenerios they can be amazing.
Jackson has a strategy - invest in the market (up to 100%), and get a 6 percent guaranteed growth rate while you wait to turn on income. At age 65, turn on income from the portfolio at the extremeley high number that it has grown to. (you get the market plus six percent, or just 6 if market is flat).
THe best part, you can spend income down to 1 dollar and when you die your wife gets back what you started with.
Amazing for IRA money. Its long term anyway.
Or just straight investment annuities without the bells and whistles. Zero cost to the client. THey just have to hold it for 5 years.
AIG / Athene / Global Atlaantic - sp500 point to point with cap rate of 10% to 11%.....Fixed index annuity. Mr client, this strategy allows for you to invest in the 50 most innovative companies in the world (sp500) and get upside to a cap of 11% each year. Market goes down, you don't lose a penny.
5 year strategy.
Client always asks:
Whats the catch? Well, if you believe the market is going to be up 20 percent for the next 5 years, your going to be upset we purchased this strategy.
Anyway, where is the conversation happening right now around new advisors or advisors looking to share ideas or scripts? this seems dead. Reach out if you want to discuss ideas.
To answer question - my pitch is very simple.
Ring Ring
Hello - John?
Hey this is ____ with ___ calling to see if you received your invitation to the upcoming seminar we have in your area? Pause. We are discussing ______. We have found that investors near or in retirement are interested in growing their nest egg to maintain purchasing power through longer retirements, but are exhausted from the wild swings in public equity markets. With stocks artificially inflated, monetary stimulus, and inflation, investors are facing real challenges. If this may be of interest to you I can have my wonderful assistant send you another invite?
Then be ready to dance and box!
We have found that seminars have been working also. But in the case of cold calling, i just use that openeing line to defuse them. "Hey you want a free steak?" ... What? ... Well here is a problem I know you are facing like everyone else is facing, let's discuss it. Problem problem problem problem problem. They instinctively want to try and solve it!
Cheers boys. Greatest business on the planet!

Forum does seem dead. But I think everyone is over at advisorheads now.

Anyway, I left the corporate world with no book access late last year. Started fresh from scratch with an RIA and I’m a little over 2mo in. I have one flat fee client and a handful of insurance customers. Been focusing on insurance to bring money in faster; it’s working. But now I’m ready to start incorporating some cold calling. I’m open to ideas. But here’s my plan:

Work insurance leads/run virtual appts 930a-330p, cold call 430-830p mon-fri; cold call sat 9a-3:30p

Cold calling businesses in hawaii, alaskan, and pacific time zones (I’m eastern) mon-fri

Calling businesses in my state (starting in rural areas) on sat

Using phoneburner to dial and manage call dispositions…listshack for the list of names

No real niche rn, other than sbo with less than 10 employees, older than 10yrs old, with between $1-5mn in rev; non-financials, real estate, nonprofit or government businesses, just cause idc to prospect them

Script is basically to ask if they’re all set for retirement and have their succession planned out. A long-time local bar closed down because the owner passed, with no retirement or succession plan in place, and so i plan to use that to start the conversation. As a backup, a wholesaler I networked with has seminars lined up I can use. And lastly, as a backup to that, I will throw out a rate for a MYGA or buffered ETF and ask if they’d like some info on that to collect their data and drip on them from there with follow-ups. Any other product ideas I should be thinking about? I’m 7/66 + L&H, but soon to drop the 7 being with the RIA.

That's basically it. Feel free to critique/share thoughts. I'll try to make it work for me. Keep in mind, I do have kids who'll be out of school next week for the summer. Single parent, as well. Lots to balance.