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Knocking on Doors...Testimonials and Stories Wanted

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Jan 31, 2013 8:07 pm

I am looking at adding door knocking to known pre-retirees that will be going into a state pension plan with a lump sum DROP. Mostly police, firefighters and teachers. I have been cold calling/mailing to great success, but I’d say a third to a half don’t have listed numbers. So I want to reach them all! Has anyone done door knocking and been successful? Do you push for a quick meeting? Do you just leave info? If your goal in cold calling is to get an appointment, does door knocking have the same goal? Stories and experiences are welcome!

Feb 3, 2013 5:45 am


Great question. Yes, I have been out door knocking, I can’t say I looked forward to do it, until I started to actually knock on the door and get to talk to someone.
Truth be said, it has worked well and I do it every couple of weeks.
My approach is pretty snappy, quick introduction, find out what’s important to them and make a point to get back in touch. I’ve opened some very good accounts this way and it fits my personality. I’m very outgoing and enjoy meeting people so once I get started, I’m comfortable.

I know a buddy who went door knocking for a few weeks and has already gathered over 1m in new assets. He and I mix it up, cold calls, dinners, seminars, door knocking, and just canvass areas……EDJ has been doing it for years and have an angle that gets them in front of a lot of people in a short period of time.

I prefer to mix it up and will be knocking more often as the weathers warms up.
I’m interested in hearing how it works for you.
All The Way

Feb 4, 2013 3:30 pm

Thanks guys. Brady, I have the book and its great. ATW, nice hearing from you as always. Can you walk me through how those introductions go?

Feb 8, 2013 3:31 am

Sure thing ECD,

First, let me tell you, a buddy of mine in another city, did a door knock….and signed 1.3M… 2 weeks ago. Door knocking, if possible in your business is a great way to meet people, and people is what this business is about.

The first contact is just to say that you are in the area, and help people accomplish certain thing, kids schooling, retirement, taxes, you know the drill.

Then find out what they are doing to make these goals a reality, ok, sounds good, well done….glad to know……and so forth.

Then mention that you are working with people with the same goals and if ever a good, solid idea comes your way, you would like to get back in touch with them.

Next, send something out, a bit by post to keep dripping.

Then give them a call, reminds them of the conversation, and ask a few clarification questions….

Next, go back either in person or by phone to present a solution.

The overall objective here is to build a relationship, keep the ball moving forward and eventually get a meeting to really listen to what is important and then go back with the most appropriate solution.

It’s a bit time consuming, but it does build strong and durable relationships and facilitates introductions.

I like to mix it up, cold calls, dinners, knocking, just to keep it fresh and exciting. My buddy did 1.3m this way……I’m speechless….it works, a lot of things work….usually things that involve ACTIVITY. Finger in the dyke buddy, finger in the dyke.
Keep us posted,
All The way