Gatekeeper Tips
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I have been hammering out some cold calls to business owners, plan admins and execs. However, I cannot seem to get past the gatekeepers.
Does anyone have any tips or scripts they use to get past the gatekeepers?
It's tough!
You've gotta sound like you know the guy... and not a salesperson...
Hey, I'm looking for George , Is he around? ( Sound's like a friend)
Hi is George in? ( Sounds like a salesman )
It's a confidence thing really , loud booming voice , no hesitation or nervousness...
You need to end all sentences with a question, Does that make sense?
When they ask what's this regarding? Say " What's that?, like you never heard tham, and then offer
Yeah' I'm just getting back with him , is he around??
When they ask " What company are you with?"
Instead of Investment Company X , try I'm with XYZ group in Rochester (your locale...).
Any long back and forth with the secretary will normally end in failure.
Corny " We have a program that he may be interested in" never really worked for me.
Selling to the secretary never worked for me either.
You can try:
We talked last week and I want to update my file, is he around?
I said I'd call him back, Is he around?
We're having another meeting in a week, and I said I'd call to see if he can come?, Is he around?
I wish I had more, but it's hard...
p.s You can always vary your calling times, try before 8 or after 5 .
Growsavings all the links I use daily...