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Cold calling hope for those who doubt

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Oct 2, 2009 8:51 pm

[quote=FA_Yates]If you guys are actually interested in picking up some leads… I do have a company that I like to go through. They arent 100% but they definitely do better than the 2 other companies I tried. I am fairly certain that since I use such a small area that I can give their information out here. The company is Whitehall Marketing Group. The guy I deal with is named Eli. Seriously, call them up and order some leads if you are interested in cold calling. Also, my first list with them had about 50 fax machines and when I called to complain instead of taking forever they actually sent out the replacements that day for free.

Seriously, give them a call as far as leads companies go I have not dealt with a better one.

(618)288-9100 ask for Eli.[/quote]   When did a name and number become a "lead" ?????? Its nothing more than a record.   Just wondering when the definition of a "lead" changed.
Oct 3, 2009 4:42 pm

[quote=Takingnames]Take the dump from the 600k jackass as a learning opportunity. Find out WHAT the other direction is, and then  - stay tight with him. Don’t let him go - drip, drip, drip. Find different ideas.

  In the meantime, pick up the phone, dial and repeat. Toughen up and you'll be fine.   AND HEY....why in hell are you picking up incoming calls when you are making cold calls outbound???????????    Don't let ANYTHING interfere for 1 hour when you pick up the phone, not a call in, not an e-mail, not your assistant, not your branch manager, not a fire drill, not the shadow of a big plane coming toward your building. When you are cold calling it is you and the phone, looking for opportunities - and NOTHING ELSE. Think of the phone as your trusty guide, your handsome hunting dog - guiding you to your next meal. DON'T waver.    [/quote]

Thank you for your feedback. I learn more each day in this business than I learned in anything previous. I have nothing to complain about, however, we make our own damn destiny!
Oct 5, 2009 2:52 pm

[quote=Gaddock] [quote=FA_Yates]If you guys are actually interested in picking up some leads… I do have a company that I like to go through. They arent 100% but they definitely do better than the 2 other companies I tried. I am fairly certain that since I use such a small area that I can give their information out here. The company is Whitehall Marketing Group. The guy I deal with is named Eli. Seriously, call them up and order some leads if you are interested in cold calling. Also, my first list with them had about 50 fax machines and when I called to complain instead of taking forever they actually sent out the replacements that day for free.

Seriously, give them a call as far as leads companies go I have not dealt with a better one. (618)288-9100 ask for Eli.[/quote]

When did a name and number become a “lead” ??? Its nothing more than a record.

Just wondering when the definition of a “lead” changed.[/quote]

Oct 6, 2009 3:35 am

[quote=FA_Yates]If you guys are actually interested in picking up some leads… I do have a company that I like to go through. They arent 100% but they definitely do better than the 2 other companies I tried. I am fairly certain that since I use such a small area that I can give their information out here. The company is Whitehall Marketing Group. The guy I deal with is named Eli. Seriously, call them up and order some leads if you are interested in cold calling. Also, my first list with them had about 50 fax machines and when I called to complain instead of taking forever they actually sent out the replacements that day for free.

Seriously, give them a call as far as leads companies go I have not dealt with a better one.

(618)288-9100 ask for Eli.[/quote]   Yeah, yeah.  Call me. You can call me Eddie. Or AL. I'm really into learning more about how you called all them there fax machines. No I'm not. Now,  I'll sell you some leads, and I've already qualified them too.  Nah, call me Betty.  No. Don't call.  
Oct 14, 2009 2:09 pm

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