Building a BOB in the south
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I am a young FA in the southeastern US. During my cold calls I always get the same rejection:
"I have a buddy that I have worked with for years."
It is really frustrating. I am damn good at what I do. I worked as a bank FA for about two years. I left because I refused to keep slinging VAs at every meeting scheduled for me. They only wanted me to get 7 and 63 licensed ( and insurance of course). When I suggested that we get the 65 or 66 and move to a fee based business because it would be better in the long run my boss replied, " I will be retired in the long run I want revenue now!" He made me take all comission up front and mostly sell VAs and A share MF.
I have a few clients that I am bringing with me. However, it is not nearly enough. Cold calling seems so counter productive. I don't think the clientele I am calling on respects anyone who cold calls. They want "one of them" or "a good ol' boy" how do I win them over? How do I earn the respect of the HNW and mass affluent in my community?
It's not counter productive. You just don't understand the numbers yet.
Dial Log last week:
350 dials
31 contacts
9 prospects