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Jan 22, 2009 6:24 pm

I think this could expand our prospecting radius...
Jan 23, 2009 3:02 pm

The Seibels in western KS did that years ago. They flew from farm to farm to invest for EJ. That’s the story as I heard it from Darrell Seibel. Buzz the farmhouse, land on the dirt road, sell some bonds, ask for the referral and off they went.

Feb 14, 2009 1:41 am

The Seibels in western KS did that years ago. They flew from farm to farm to invest for EJ. That’s the story as I heard it from Darrell Seibel. Buzz the farmhouse, land on the dirt road, sell some bonds, ask for the referral and off they went.

I think I'd only trust guys named "Sully" to prospect my farm in that manner...