Ungrateful FIA Boys
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Dec 6, 2006 9:02 pm
What's their beef?
They're getting a $35K rebate next year. They can hire a 10th grade educated cold call broker with that dough or buy their 8th grade educated sales assistants cocaine.
Read the latest about the crybaby boys who are whining about the NASD-NYSE Kiddie Kop regulators' merger (Registered Rep). The IBDA boys are crying, too.
Cost savings from the merger are anticipated to be high enough so that each NASD registered broker-dealer gets a $35K or so rebate next year.
Hey, $35K buys enough cocaine to keep an 8th grade educated sales assistant happy for a few months or a 10th grade educated cold call broker for a year (as long as he still lives at home with mama which most do).