Current firm not holding Series 8 &24
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Just curious if anyone else has had experience with brokerage firm not wanting to hold liscenses after 2 year period. At one time I was a Branch Manager, but now I am an FA. I was not in management at my prior firm and they had no problem holding my 8 &24 for almost 6 years . I'm almost at the 2 year mark with my current firm and I was just curious if asking them to hold them is a reasonable request. I don't know how much of a cost / admin issue it is for firms to keep up with liscenses etc... I don't need my 8 & 24 now, but I would like to retain just in case I may need them in the future. Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated.
Technically a BD should register your 8 or 24 if you're in a principal/manager capacity however, a lot of firms would register it so you don't lose it. Firms that don't probably view registering your 8/24 as an implied license to act in a principal capacity and if you're not employed as such they may see that as a risk -- so they wouldn't register you.