New Non-Traditional funding source
4 RepliesJump to last post
Motherload!! Luv that you can get a loan on this site, like this mom who’s a photographer, and have other people help you with your payments looks like there are lots of different kinds of borrowers
You don’t need no stinkin’ website to borrow a few bucks!
Let me introduce you to Vinnie, he'll fix you right up.[quote=aglina]
Motherload!! Luv that you can get a loan on this site, like this mom who’s a photographer, and have other people help you with your payments looks like there are lots of different kinds of borrowers
More spam…geeeez!!
Can’t people even take 5 minutes to skim the posts on the board and see if they are spamming to a market that has any use for their product? At least the jacka$$ talking about the EIA is spamming the correct target market.