Starting an RIA
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You're one of Bobby's groupies, or maybe his alter ego. Either way, I've never seen an intelligent thing you've posted, so I'll let you guess how much your opinion means to me...
That's bullsh*t. It struck enough of a nerve for you to reply back to me. Just because I think that you bank employee's are worthless doesn't make me bobby, you f**ktard.
LOL. It’s easy being such a big talker behing an anonymous message board, isn’t it tough guy?
[quote=BankFC] the original post. It reads that someone is trying to start an IRA with money from ANOTHER reps clients. This is beyond stupid. That's why I said if that was the case, he should wait until he has his OWN clients.
If he had said the money was coming from his partner in the original post...whole different story. He could have clarified, but instead HE took it south with a tired knock at bank reps. I just went with it.
I had success at ML (left at end of POA in good standing), hav e become truly successful here at the bank, and I could care less about the dumbasses on this forum who down one channel or the other. But if someone is going to be a dick, don't be surprised if I retort.
I'm an easy guy to get along with in person...
I'm sure you are. We all tend to sometimes take on different personas under the anonymity of the internet, me included. Anyway, here is the reference from his first post to his partners clients;
Even the RIA I work with says he's got some clients that would give me some money to seed it with, since we have different methodology.
It looks to me like an innocent "aside" to the main message. It isnt clear to me that this is his intention, just looks like an offer that was made to hm.
Whatever, ts not worth making an issue of. Just thought it was a potentially productive thread.
And by the way, i dont begrudge any platform, bank platform included. Diff strokes for diff folks, and I respect that.
[/quote]sorry, included my post in your quote. here it is
I'm sure you are. We all tend to sometimes take on different personas under the anonymity of the internet, me included. Anyway, here is the reference from his first post to his partners clients;
Even the RIA I work with says he's got some clients that would give me some money to seed it with, since we have different methodology.
It looks to me like an innocent "aside" to the main message. It isnt clear to me that this is his intention, just looks like an offer that was made to hm.
Whatever, ts not worth making an issue of. Just thought it was a potentially productive thread.
And by the way, i dont begrudge any platform, bank platform included. Diff strokes for diff folks, and I respect that.
[quote=BankFC] the original post. It reads that someone is trying to start an IRA with money from ANOTHER reps clients. This is beyond stupid. That's why I said if that was the case, he should wait until he has his OWN clients.[/quote]
I HAVE clients, and so does he. We are in a partnership where he is transitioning his brokerage clients to me, and then do a buyout so he can retire. He is shopping his RIA around to perhaps merge with another, which is why I am considering setting one up myself, because there's no guarantee that a different RIA would work out with my clients.........
[quote]If he had said the money was coming from his partner in the original post...whole different story. He could have clarified, but instead HE took it south with a tired knock at bank reps. I just went with it.[/quote]
You took a shot at me, and I responded. You talk about semantics, but I quoted that I worked WITH an RIA, not FOR an RIA, which mean I have clients.........
[quoye]I had success at ML (left at end of POA in good standing), hav e become truly successful here at the bank, and I could care less about the dumbasses on this forum who down one channel or the other. But if someone is going to be a dick, don't be surprised if I retort. [/quote]
I'm happy you found a home. As long as you remember that those nice folks you meet each day are NEVER YOUR CLIENTS, and that's ok, then much success to you. I for one could not accept that.........
I'm an easy guy to get along with in person...