Quick Performance Comparisons
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Plus, I don’t think Primo is here right now.
Still around Ice, just been busy with those annoying referrals.[quote=Primo]Plus, I don’t think Primo is here right now.
Still around Ice, just been busy with those annoying referrals.[/quote] I can help with that if you need it.My husband and I are down 9% YTD. We are in our 30’s, so I have about 80% in equities, mostly S&P index with some blue chips.
(However, back in November 2007 and January 2008, I took about 20% of our equity positions and dumped them into bonds.To be honest, if I think about us retiring when we are 60, I probably did the wrong thing.)amer funds world G&I down 23%. most of the american funds equity funds down anywher from 15% to 35%. That’s pitiful!! I will not be using them anymore.
Re: American Funds – all that international (even if ostensibly domestic funds) has come back to bite them, most likely. Too much style drift? Too many domestic funds cheating for returns by buying international over the past five or 10 years?
Do you guys try to build strict Asset Allocation portfolios using the Morningstar boxes? Would that have protected clients more this year?
Except that American never claims to be style-specific. It’s important that if you are using AMF that you read the fund objectives. They stick to them. It’s just that their objectives tend to be goal-oriented (i.e. rising income, growth of principal, growth with income as secondary, etc.) rather than style-box, industry or even region-specific. Their goal is to go where the best ideas are. So again, it’s REALLY important to know what they can do and where they can go. Generally speaking, they are better for the more conservative investor (good for retired investors). But you are right, heavy int’l has hurt them, along with their reach for yield (for obvious reasons). But I bet they will fair well as we come out of this, as they tend to invest in quality.
What are you talking about? Haven't you heard, the market is going to zero?!? All kidding aside, I read an article last week that was saying how some people are investing. Topics included parking lots and bird farms. When the market gets bad, some people do some weird things.Except that American never claims to be style-specific. It’s important that if you are using AMF that you read the fund objectives. They stick to them. It’s just that their objectives tend to be goal-oriented (i.e. rising income, growth of principal, growth with income as secondary, etc.) rather than style-box, industry or even region-specific. Their goal is to go where the best ideas are. So again, it’s REALLY important to know what they can do and where they can go. Generally speaking, they are better for the more conservative investor (good for retired investors). But you are right, heavy int’l has hurt them, along with their reach for yield (for obvious reasons). But I bet they will fair well as we come out of this, as they tend to invest in quality.