Member Agreement
110 RepliesJump to last post
yep, the vote is in and joedabrkr is BobbyBully, pratoman.
Kiss my shapely cottage cheese ass, joedabrkr.
You are an evil, mean, nasty person and I won't waste one more second being tormented by you. But nice that you tucked in your pratoman alias before posting.
The Army of One Exposed!
You won't be tormenting me again and here's a cyberbully statement from me:
I'm convinced that you are a complete, Anti-Christian asshole...oh, but good at manipulative wordsmithing to your own evil, perversion!
oops...sorrie, you are Exposed!
quit being so evil.
oh now, he's going to post all of my pm's: The integrity! DIY investing never looked so good!
yep, the vote is in and joedabrkr is BobbyBully, pratoman.
If we took a vote I am sure it would be unanimous that you are INSANE. I am glad you are incapable of keeping your promise to leave. After all, you’re very entertaining. Sorta like going to the zoo and watching the monkeys.
Kiss my shapely cottage cheese ass, joedabrkr.
I wouldn't do that if I could borrow my worst enemy's lips.
You are an evil, mean, nasty person and I won't waste one more second being tormented by you. But nice that you tucked in your pratoman alias before posting.
I'm convinced that you are a complete, Anti-Christian asshole...oh, but good at manipulative wordsmithing to your own evil, perversion!Wow....that's a lot of multisyllabic words you're using tonight! And they're all spelled right! You're on a roll. Did you hire a ghostwriter or what?
ok, post those pm's...
Tried to blackmail me! Hang on to them pm's now... he likes them pm's and seems to need a few socks...! What a sickee! Must be some reason why you hang on to those pm's.
post my pm's, you untrustworthy POS if you don't mind me using your wordsmithing acronym.
Your ugly ass probably looks like your face...speaking of asses! and you are a complete asshole: oh no! I'm being a bully now.
You're exposed! But you're very organized in how you do your aliases:
for example, pratoman misses an apostrophe here and there...
and you specialize in red lettering.
Alias Buster! You're exposed. You are sooooo trustworthy aren't you?
Your Peter Seller skills ain't so good these days, are they? Master of Disguises exposed!
u r exposed, Evil Cyberbully, BobbyBully, pratoman, and scores and scores of other aliases...but not to worry, he spends a little bit of cash for those extra ip addresses.
byebye bipolar bully!
quit being so evil! more time for your evil hijinks!
I'll promise to leave if you stop your cyberbullying: that's you and your Army of One.
byebye! Now watch him try to get me to post some more and some more...he loves it...that's why he collects all of my pm's. He is obsessed! The bipolar freak!
quit being so evil.
one last hint about the Army of One:
very knowledgeable of latin...
maybe ? perhaps, a possibility.... maybe???
consider it's use of latin! ... old lady da lawyer?....
ck out her signature, perhaps just a lapsus linguae
a bene placito
Or "at will", "at one's pleasure". This phrase, and its Italian and Spanish derivative beneplacito, are synonymous with the more common ad libitum ("at pleasure").
This seemingly broker or possible lawyer (?) seems to derive much pleasure from cyber bullying.
Seems to derive pleasure from speaking of a tergo
Seems to also: ab abusu ad usum non valet consequentia
engages in
a bona fide bipolar disorder, for shure!
oh well, you be the judge of aliases who tend to use a little too much of the latin.
I could be wrong.
Suggest that the cyber bullies repent from their evil ways.
Pro jews
but Against Cyberbullies whether they be atheist, christian or jewish.
Have a nice day.
Sleep tight. I know I shall rest very well tonight.
Promise not to cyberbully and of course, I'll promise to vacate the site. Afterall, this site is contaminated.
What's the code of ethics for doctors:
FIRST, Do no harm. Do lawyers or brokers for that matter have a code of ethics (even posting anonymously on the Internet)? perhaps they should!!!! 0%93O%29#L
falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus "false in one thing, false in everything"Seems the cyberbullies do alot of harm, here. What a pity these so called "professionals" ...maybe even lawyers have to act this way! What a shame!
quit being so evil.
[quote=uwec86]You're a nut...I suggest you spend your time on Rosie O Donnell's website.[/quote]
Because this has nothing to do with anything and I just wanted to share this photo. I laughed so hard when I saw this.
[quote=parachute]one last hint about the Army of One:
consider it's use of latin! ... old lady da lawyer?....
ck out her signature, perhaps just a lapsus linguae
This seemingly broker or possible lawyer (?) seems to derive much pleasure from cyber bullying.
Seems to derive pleasure from speaking of a tergo
a bona fide bipolar disorder, for shure!
oh well, you be the judge of aliases who tend to use a little too much of the latin.
I could be wrong.[/quote]
I love it!! With all these threads and pages and pages and pages of posts -- I post once in all of that with my absolutely favorite saying, days ago, and now I'm an alias and a cyber-bully. I do love it!! And there's something sinister about the Saint Augustine quote I have in my signature???? I love it even more. You made my day.
Nice use of latin. Interesting how the aliases are 'organized'...dustbunny posts photos as you will notice.
Interesting how they all come out of the woodwork to bash.
Moderators: take note here: some pay a little extra cash to have ip addresses to feed their sick behavior of bashing using an Army of One aliases. Uncovered here: Exposed!
Someone, maybe even a lawyer has a really bad case of cyberbully alias bipolar disorder. Seek help.
[quote=Dust Bunny]LOL [/quote]
All of this is amusing ... is Old Lady, Joe Broker - Lawyer, Latin Inquisition. Unique entertainment for sure.