People are STUPID
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Sure thing. Luv ya snuggems.
SWAK ...just taking some luv pointers from Ms. Lovey Dovey Jones.A troll tries to get a REACTION out of someone - I'd say you are the troll. - no luv for you, here, go see Ms. Jones. or better yet thatgirl is more your style.
Good to hear. I just knew if you met me half way, we could find something in common.
I had a couple come into my office. 29 and 31. Tech nerds. Know it alls. Came in looking to have their knowledge justified. Wanted my CPA to look at their return. They kept feeding him text book baloney while he tried getting through to them.
Then they came to see me. They had $170k spread among 37 mutual funds. Not kidding here. "Oh my dad suggested these" Sounds like a family of do it yourself know it alls. I told him my process and kept a copy of his "allocation" I call him a week later to schedule another appointment. Husband picks up "Anabuahbkuss it sounds like our portfolio is in great shape. We don't need your services at the moment" I lost it for the first time. :Mr Client, "sounds like"? There is nothing remotely good about your picture here. He starts laughing. I asked... "Mr client can you give me the exact number of mutual funds you hold?" " I do not know". "so why ar eyou laughing much less trying to fool yourself into thinking your portfolio 'sounds good'? if you cared about your money enough, you'd open your eyes and take the time to really know what it's actually doing instead of opening accounts and buying funds because they have 5 star ratings. Do you know the risk to reward ratio on your portfolio? Client laughs. Starts mumbling something. I hang up on him.At least it’s “only” $170k…perhaps this is the same idiot???