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Wealth Management Wire
Biotech Wakes Up Screaming

Biotech Wakes Up Screaming

Donald Trump's victory takes significant pressure off of the biotech industry.

By Parke Shall

It's Finally Time to Buy Biotech Again

The biotech sector is the sector that is probably the most closely watched this morning, as president elect Donald Trump is now widely considered to have won the race.

The (IBB) biotech index ETF is trading up sharply this morning, now up over 6% on the news of our new president. The obvious response this morning has been to pile into biotech stocks, as much of the price gouging scrutiny and pressure on Biotech stocks came directly from Hillary Clinton.

(click to enlarge)

If you recall, the pressure on biotechs actually started when Clinton made her first Tweet talking about reforming the industry. That was just a little more than a year ago. Since then, there has been unprecedented pressure on the sector for the last year.

Donald Trump winning the election last night takes off a significant amount of…

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