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Being a Good Manager to Older Employees

Being a Good Manager to Older Employees

Tips for young managers to keep in mind.

Managing older people at work can be very challenging. It requires a lot of patience, understanding, and one’s ability to adjust to another person’s personality. As a young leader, you also need to be willing to learn how the earlier generations do things before you start applying your new ideas.

As you take on the role of a young leader in the workplace who has to manage older colleagues, keep in mind the following things so you can start on the right track:

1. Be a good learner and an active listener.

You are still learning to become a good leader, so you have to know how to listen well and learn from your older colleagues. Keep in mind also that authority has to be earned, and so does respect. What you can do at this point is to watch your older colleagues carefully. Notice how they do things, identify their strong points and look for...


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