When a client brings in new assets to invest, you probably start by weighing the virtues of bonds versus stocks, mutual funds versus ETFs and global markets versus the good old U.S. of A. But before you throw down an eight-pound leather-bound...
Three years ago, Kalita Blessing set out on a mission. She was determined to rev up her bottom line. Blessing, a principal with Quest Capital Management in Dallas, met with a business coach, and came up with a promising though daunting plan...
Knowing the best strategy to recommend to families in every financial situation requires either an encyclopedic knowledge of tax, investment, and legal matters or a crystal ball. The former can take decades to accumulate, and the latter is even...
Independent advisors aren't feeling so hot about the U.S. economic or political landscape. About 33 percent of those polled by Schwab Institutional in July said the S&P 500 won't rise in the next six months, while 66 percent said the country will...
Over the years, bank-based brokerages haven't posed much of a threat to Wall Street firms' pursuit of high-net-worth individuals. Most bank brokerages had pretty limited offerings: your basic line of annuities, life insurance and mutual funds. And...
Emails from generous Nigerian nobility seeking to share their enormous wealth with any and all Americans are regulars in most email inboxes. But from money managers?
Owners of closely held businesses have long sought ways to buy the interest of an owner who dies. They also have sought ways to enjoy the business' success financially while avoiding estate tax upon their death. A new private letter ruling...