The practical and emotional challenges of dividing personal property anytime, but especially with Covid restrictions on historical norms, and guidance for how to make the process transparent and efficient are real, and very often, overwhelming. Oftentimes a will or trust is detailed and carefully designed to be somewhat bulletproof to avoid any ambiguity or uncertainty around what is to be done and how all but the tangible assets are to be divided.
However, the direct heir interaction, collaboration or conflicts between heirs most often surfaces around the sentimental items, like artwork, jewelry and furnishings. The professional instruction provided to the family in this area is often negligible, and inversely proportional to the real challenges and conflicts this area creates. Covid restrictions have only exacerbated the problems.
Don’t miss hearing from our panelists who represent a broad and comprehensive level of experience in legally creating trusts and wills, academic research and findings surrounding the family experience and dynamics of siblings losing parents and dividing estates—and in the practicalities of actually helping list and divide personal property using online tools, combined with best on site practices.
Attend this webinar and you will learn:
- Useful insights as to the real issues and concerns actual heirs and their families have identified to the panelists regarding personal property division in their family’s estate settlement.
- The areas of instruction in most trusts or wills, where specific guidance is needed, but rarely provided to help the family avoid conflict with each other and with the executor or settlement administrator in particular.
- New ideas for providing truly helpful guidance to families with areas of conflict and confusion clearly identified and solutions explored for minimizing the emotional and practical challenges of “The Great Divide”.
Sponsored by
David MacMahan
Founder and President
Marlene Stum, PhD
Professor, Department of Family Social Science
University of Minnesota
John Warnick
Purposeful Planning Institute
Susan Lipp - Moderator
Editor in Chief
Trusts & Estates