The Roth IRA turns 10 years old in 2008, and chances are that some of your clients are among the 17 million Roth IRA owners who would happily celebrate if a birthday party of sorts were thrown. But you probably have an equal number of clients who...
With 77 million baby boomers approaching retirement, advisors are surely looking for ways to win their business. One way? Financial gerontology. That's according to a recent survey by Rydex AdvisorBenchmarking, whose study specifically addresses...
A generation ago, retiring clients usually had most of their money locked up in certificates of deposit at the local bank. Simplicity, predictability, and the double-digit yields of the time provided a nice compliment to Social Security or pension...
Now may be the time to get your clients more life insurance: In 2008, life-insurance premiums will be 11 percent lower than they were two years ago and half of what they were a decade ago, according to the Insurance Information Institute...
One would think a client's collection of 50 cars, let alone 50 Corvettes, would be hard for a team of financial advisors and estate planners to ignore.
Financial Advisors may discuss charitable giving with clients for the same reason that most people choose to give in the first place: It's the right thing to do. But you can use that discussion to clean up your client's portfolio and simplify your...
If you are like most advisors, you usually approach client meetings in one of two ways: If the market is up, you underscore the recent growth in the client's assets, and the progress made toward the achievement of his or her financial goals. If...
As the Dow Jones Industrial Average blasted to record highs recently, everyone but the short-sellers celebrated the accomplishment. While the day-traders danced amid confetti, older shareholders with a longer-term relationship to their stocks...
Past estimates of out-of-pocket costs related to caring for an aging or ailing parent or spouse underestimate reality, according to a study released today
How Much Money Will I Need in Retirement? What's the number? Ask any financial advisor and he will offer you this rule of thumb: To live in retirement at your current standard of living, you will need about 75 percent of your pre-retirement income...