The SEC is working on a rule that would require financial advisors to create transitions plans in case or retirement or a major disruption in their business. The rule, which may come to life by October, is aimed at mitigating the risk of client...
There is no retirement crisis in America, writes Ramesh Ponnuru, for Bloomberg View. Instead, it's all a matter of how you decide to interpret the data. While the National Institute on Retirement Security's recent report stated that 84 percent ...
It’s almost a mantra of financial planning: Defer taxes on investments whenever you can, for as long as possible. The conventional wisdom is so ingrained that if you suggest clients accelerate taxes owed on 401(k)s and IRAs, you’ll...
Exchange traded funds have been gaining market share from the mutual fund industry over the years, and much of that attention has been related to lower costs. But a new research report by Morningstar says many ETFs are not, in fact, cheaper tha...
The fees associated with 401(k) plans are falling, according to a new study by BrightScope Inc. and the Investment Company Institute.
Looking at plans that existed from 2009 to 2012, the total costs decreased on average by around 10 basis points...
The sandwich generation, or Generation X, is not a focus for top players in the financial services industry, according to a recent Weber Shandwick report. The public relations firm found that only half of the top U.S...
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Are compensation cuts coming to Merrill Lynch advisors in 2015? AdvisorHUB (rumors) seems to think so. According to a rumor circulating on the site, the cuts are hitting payouts, not deferred compensation...
To meet growing demand for retirement plan services, HighTower announced Wednesday that it integrated Envestnet Retirement Solutions (ERS) into its technology platform...
The dramatic shift by retirement savers to passive investing means financial advisors will spend less time in the future picking stocks, and that leads to questions about new ways to add value...