Live long and prosper. | Copyright Oli Scarff, Getty Images
Because women have a longer life expectancy than men, they spend more time in retirement and have to stretch their savings longer. But many female retirees are surprised by their post...
Now that summer vacations are over, it’s a good time to start catching up on professional literature. Here are a few reports I’ve reviewed recently that I believe are worth reading...
Watch for the shift. | Copyright Scott Olson, Getty Images
Discount brokerages like Charles Schwab and E*Trade can compete with the full-service players on value and price, but a foray into the advice segment will be key, says Morgan Stanley a...
(Bloomberg) -- It’s Friday, and your paycheck is missing a zero. Even if payroll owns up to it, you could be waiting until Wednesday to get your money. Your power company is threatening a penalty for an overdue balance? Don’t...
(Bloomberg View) -- The idea that the world is awash in savings -- one factor driving the theory of secular stagnation -- is, on the surface, a persuasive one. Too bad it may not be true...
(Bloomberg) -- The $1.9 trillion shortfall in U.S. state and local pension funds is poised to grow as near record-low bond yields and global stock-market turmoil reduce investment gains, increasing pressure on governments to put more money...
Kevin McKinley is principal/owner of McKinley Money LLC, an independent registered investment advisor. He is also the author of Make Your Kid a Millionaire (Simon & Schuster).