How Wealth Planners and Advisors address the needs of clients who have assets over $1MM.
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Family meetings are an effective way to get in front of controversial topics and create a needed discipline for the family to make important multi-generational decisions
In recent years, the discussion continues surrounding the topic of inheritance and how much is too much to leave one’s heirs. This issue has taken on renewed significance in light of the much publicized concentration of wealth in recent...
Trusts & Estates relies on its editorial advisory board to help screen articles. In addition to authoring pieces, the board provides valuable behind-the-scenes work to make sure that T&E provides you with high quality...
As advisors, we strive to provide clients with guidance on important financial matters year-round, but it can sometimes be difficult to get them to focus on long-term estate planning when they’re busy with the day-to-day of running their...
Erin Hollis, Director of Financial Opinions for Marshall & Stevens, discusses the criteria to look for when seeking out an appraiser/valuation professional.
Amelia Renkert-Thomas, joint managing director of Withers Consulting Group, joins us to discuss client councils and how useful they can be in a family office context.