Ultra high-net-worth entertainers, film and television personalities and professional athletes (celebrities) require specialized estate and asset protection planning. In the past year, the media has been inundated with stories about the commercial...
Much has been written about modern multi-participant trust governance structures (sometimes called open-architecture trust designs) and evolving principles of state trust law related to directed trusts.1 The directed trust model threatens to...
The attorney-client privilege protects communications between clients and their attorneys by prohibiting their disclosure and admissibility in a judicial proceeding. But, when attorneys represent fiduciaries, the application of the attorney-client...
The combination of the generous $5 million gift, estate and generation-skipping transfer (GST) tax exemptions (adjusted for inflation) provided in the 2010 Tax Act, historically low interest rates and depressed estate values has provided an...
I hesitate to write an article containing hyperbole. Whenever I read something that contains terms such as unheard of, or my immediate, admittedly cynical, reaction is to doubt the assertions and question the author's credibility. That said, I now...