Here are all of the comments RR heard from Merrill Lynch brokers. A "[Merrill does a good job at] keeping client interests first. What is the right thing to do? We’re very conservative, we’ll say ‘No’ to things in gray...
Merrill Lynch is placing “a major emphasis on teams” this year, offering brokers more training programs, best practices guidelines, sample business plans, and prototype contracts to help when brokers are establishing a partnership...
Here are all of the comments RR heard from A.G Edwards brokers. A "We focus on client rather than product. We’re a conservative firm so there is no focus on technology and that’s not necessarily a bad thing." B "Overall, not too many...
Here are all of the comments RR heard from Prudential brokers. A No comments. B "Our entire pricing strategy is confusing to the client and the broker." C "Overall, it’s pretty good here. It’s not the best. There’s always room...
Here are all of the comments RR heard from First Union brokers. A "They are highest level in terms of investment consulting research/fee-based programs. Only one or two firm comparable in whole country." B "Doesn’t support new brokers very...
Morgan Stanley is today saying that it will not lay off any brokers. The firm is responding to a Wall Street Journal story in today’s paper that says the firm is considering eliminating 1,000 brokers--7% of its brokerage force--as well as...
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter officially became Morgan Stanley on Monday, shortening its name because the firm considered it “unwieldy.” The firm decided to change its name in January as part of a global branding initiative, pending a...
Fresh off the heels of its JW Genesis acquisition, First Union Corp. wants to expand its platform for independent brokers, says Don McMullen, vice chairman and head of the Capital Management Group at First Union Corp. Speaking at a Putnam Lovell...
Community investing part chat room, part investment club is the latest twist in the cyber financial world. Community investors rely on their peers for shared investment advice, and their results are tracked online. Some money managers are using...
Our exclusive survey of independent contractor reps quantifies what we thought indie reps love their freedom, but being on their own can be a challenge (see Insights on Independents, Page 85). Those challenges are why there's never been a mass...