The good news is, there are more high-net-worth individuals than ever. As always, though, there's a catch. Those people want more of everything more expertise, more risk management and more of their advisors' time. According to the annual World...
The tale of Gina Guzzone is one that would do Franz Kafka proud. All the elements are there the mazelike system of bureaucratic roadblocks, the surreality and the preoccupation with financial security. Most of all, though, Guzzone's is a tale of...
Initial public offerings are lessons in onomatopoeia for a company's founders: goes the stock immediately after the offering; Hee Hee! go the founders when they start counting their money. All too often, though, these sounds are followed by a as...
The current suit-happy environment has left more than one registered rep yearning for the Cone of Silence, that whimsical invention from the 1960s spy sitcom Get Smart. But like the fictional secret agent Maxwell Smart, reps are likely to find...
Watch the expressions on the faces of your friends as you lie down on your beach blanket and pull out the 688-page tome, A History of Interest Rates. Nope, it is not a sexy title for a book. Yet, the book is a classic. As one hedge fund manager I...
It's repeated so often it has almost become a financial planner's mantra: Over 20 years, stocks always beat bonds. Look back on history, the refrain continues, and you'll see, the pattern has held true generation after generation. It's time to...
In 1992, with Europe buried in a deep recession, Charles de Vaulx was digging through the rubble, looking, as always, for value. One day, while poring over a list of companies published by the Swiss foreign exchange, he struck gold in the form of...
The SIA Soft Dollars and Institutional Brokerage Conference took aim at a wide range of issues related to soft-dollar payments in the brokerage industry, but most of the conference’s attendees were there to find out one thing: Can the...