The majority of advisors participating in the 2014 Independent Broker/Dealer Report Card indicated that they are likely to remain affiliated with their current IBD during the next year. This is excellent news for independent broker/dealers, espec...
“How’s the rainy day fund coming along?” I get this question every time I talk with my financial adviser. The answer: not so well. And I write about personal finance and retirement issues for a living...
Advisors suffer from information overload; there’s just too much to read online — great articles, short pieces that we don’t want to lose, but can’t afford the time to scan right then. Sure, we can bookmark an article, but just try to re-locate...
Rob Wilson has a unique approach to prospecting online — much of it centering around his podcasts and playful monikers, from the Hip Hop Financial Advisor to his Twitter alter ego Bobby Deniro. We caught up with Wilson to ask about his...
Marketing jargon is the quickest way to turn people away from you on social networks, says Crystal Thies, also known as the “LinkedIn Ninja.” Working with advisors and those in other regulated industries, Thies advises her clients to...
RIA and dually registered advisory channels will grow their share of the advised assets to 26 percent by 2016, up from 21 percent today, according to a new report by Cerulli Associates. That growth will largely come at the expense of the wirehous...
Winston-Salem: “How do you maintain such a high level of passion?” Rob asked me as we broke for lunch, then clarified “I’m serious. I’m very impressed with your passion after...