Two years ago, Tom Lydon, a small independent advisor running an 11-year-old practice, launched a blog about Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). Now, he's wondering how to expand that effort without hurting his ability to work with his clients. For...
Name Firm (B/D) City Est. AUM in MM Yrs. in Biz Business Description/Specialty 1 Ron Carson Carson Wealth Management Group (LPL) Omaha, NE $1,560 24 Holistic wealth management and asset management. 2 Cleves and Brad Delp The Delp Company (LPL)...
Sure, you've got rock bands and artists advertising themselves through profiles on social networking websites like MySpace, but financial services firms? Yup, and some say it could even the business. The Online Banking Report just published Social...
In the week following the implosion of Brookstreet Securities, a disaster caused by massive margins calls on highly leveraged CMO derivative investments held for the firm's clients, the firm's brokers were inundated with calls from independent...
Most financial advisors lust after rich people. Lust is perhaps an arresting choice of words, but it does accurately describe the intensity of desire an advisor suddenly feels when a liquid millionaire is referred to him. This is precisely what...
Exchange-traded notes (ETNs) are hot. That's right, ETNs that's no typo. Do not confuse ETNs with their cousins, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), which because of their low cost and tax efficiency have become the financial world's iPod equivalent...
Here's a list of the fastest growing asset managers, based on percent change in AUM among firms with assets between $1 billion and $10 billion for the 12-month period ending April 2007. Topping the list is Kinetics Asset Management, which is...
Until recently, astute high-net-worth parents wishing to fund their children's future education expenses could save a bundle in taxes by transferring money or investments to accounts established under the Uniform Transfer to Minors Act or Uniform...
The securities industry has been doing an awful lot of hiring lately. June 2007 saw an increase of over 10,000 new jobs in the industry the biggest increase since June 2000, according to Most notably, this sets a new record for...
The regulatory body created by the recent merger of NYSE Regulation and NASD Regulation, known for the past five weeks as SIRA, needs a new name. As it turns out, SIRA, which stands for Securities Industry Regulatory Authority, is also an Arabic...