Cleveland native Kevin Buzek has no problem speaking up, and it's a good thing his advisor and father, Ken Buzek, listens. Kevin started working as an office assistant for his father in 2001, just as the market was hitting the skids. He had no...
In a first, Registered Rep. would like to correct a In our September issue, we stated that average production had jumped to about $750,00 from $300,000 at Advanced Equities. In fact, the firm expects its practice management program to result in...
Registered Rep.: Advice for building a successful RIA? MS: Planning doesn't guarantee success, but not planning virtually guarantees failure. RR: Your first job? MS: At 15, I worked for LaSalle Northwest National Bank in the Consumer Auto Loans...
The first annual meeting of the new Financial Industry Regulatory Authority's (FINRA) 23-member board is slated for October 26, 2007, and the regulator recently announced its official slate of seven nominees for its elective seats. Anyone seeking...
Even though Helicopter Ben pumped some liquidity into the ailing U.S. financial system last month, it's undeniable that the blame game will continue. Who is at fault for the credit crisis caused by sub-prime loans gone bad? Bet you can guess; It's...
Mark Boyadjian oversees the Franklin Floating Rate Debt Group, which manages $5 billion in assets, for Franklin Templeton Investments. Registered Rep. spoke with him about the current credit crisis. Registered Rep.: You say the current credit...
Foreign companies are certainly thumbing their noses at U.S. exchanges these days. The number of American Depository Receipts listed on U.S. exchanges peaked in 2001 at over 600, and has been in decline ever since, according to a report from...
Hip-hop artists often wow audiences with their (diamonds), (hubcaps) and their financial advice? No, we're not trippin'. Lyrical snipers Bun B and Slim Thug offered some sage words of investing wisdom to their young audience at Texas South Western...
When Richmond native Debbie Wagner came into work one day in early March, there were signs, banners and streamers everywhere; there were flowers on her desk, and there was free lunch and cake. They were celebrating Debbie Wagner Day, the 35th...
The curious thing about a bubble is, when it bursts, you can't believe people actually behaved the way they did. (Remember, in the late 1990s, backing up the truck and buying the QQQQ for clients? Nah, not you.) Consider what a sweet temptation...