The three largest donor advised fund administrators saw average contribution growth of 77 percent between 2010 and 2011. But overall giving in the nation grew at a sluggish pace.
The ocean’s receding, so to speak, on social media, and advisors who don’t get on board with social tools are going to get hit by the tidal wave, said one advisor at SIFMA's social media seminar.
In 2011, the number of high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) increased but the pool of wealth declined, which was primarily driven by a loss of wealth for ultra-high-net-worth investors, the latest World Wealth Report says.
Few financial advisors counsel their small business owner clients on insurance, but they should. Insurance funded by buy-sell agreements is essential for most of these clients.
While actively managed stock funds bled more than $172.3 billion over the last year, one category of actively managed equity funds is bucking the trend.