Several well-known and successful companies recently have announced plans to convert to a REIT. REITs trade at higher multiples. But just what constitutes real estate anyway? Office shelves?
Looking for a way to run your office computer from your iPad or Android device? LogMeIn is an encrypted app that lets users tunnel into their desktop and stop worrying if they’ve backup up data on to a mobile device before they left fo...
Taking the battle to the front lines, public-private cyber-security partnerships are increasingly focusing on smaller financial service firms to ward off online attacks.
Branch managers increasingly find their offices filled with advisors from different generations. Here, a field guide to understanding what makes baby boomers, gen Xers and millenials tick.
It’s orthodoxy that small IBDs won’t be able to stay in business given the unprecedented increase in regulatory and technology costs. Yet some tiny firms are bucking the trend. Here’s how they’re doing it.