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10 Retailers That Have—and 10 That Haven’t—Paid Their Rent as of September

Movie theaters, fitness studios and beauty salons continue to struggle, while drugstores, pet supply stores and supermarkets are keeping up with rent payments.

A few segments of the retail marketplace seem to be bouncing back, while other categories continue to  struggle to make their rent payments due to the pandemic, according to the most recent Datex report.

Drugstores, pet supply stores and supermarkets continue to be among the top performers in the retail sector. Movie theaters, fitness studios and beauty salons are still struggling, however, as these businesses remain severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and operating restrictions. Overall, total rent collections in the retail sector reached 83.16 percent at the end of September, up from 80.80 at the end of August and 78.02 at the end of July, according to Datex.

As a follow up to last month’s gallery on retailers that have, and have not, paid rent during the summer, here is this month’s updated version.

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