Catch up on the latest information across the Commercial Real Estate business covering brokerage news, development projects, leasing, property management trends and proptech.
Cresset Real Estate Partners sources private market real estate investment opportunities for high-net-worth investors and family offices. It was a separate company until a partnership was formalized in 2021.
Those who came into work devoted about 40 more minutes a week to mentoring others, nearly 25 more in formal training and about 15 additional minutes each week doing professional development and learning activities, according to WFH Research, a...
CBRE IM and Accelerate Investment Partnership formed a joint venture to invest in ground leases under critical, digital and green economy infrastructure assets. Here’s what executives from the two companies told WMRE about their plans.
The plan rests on strategic asset acquisition, proprietary methods of retrofitting buildings and adding solar panels and the long-term payoff from assembling a portfolio of energy-efficient buildings.
Newmark’s managing director of geopolitical strategy consulting talks about the risks and opportunities the current economic and political climate brings.
At IREM, we recognize the importance of housing choice and access to quality housing that is affordable. We’ve seen how rent control undermines both of these things, making it financially challenging for property owners and real estate managers to...