Analysis and insights on commercial real estate property management across the office, retail, multifamily and industrial sectors as well as the alternative CRE property types.
Even in the best of circumstances, communication and understanding are risky propositions. So much depends on both parties’ ability to slip into the mind of the other. The risks of misunderstanding grow exponentially as we fold in the...
Here are several ways—both big and small—commercial real estate firms are using platforms, services and products to better manage and enhance the use of their assets.
Property managers offered free rent to attract residents at roughly one-third (30.0 percent to 35.0 percent) of apartments in cities including Las Vegas, San Antonio and New York.
It would serve this community well to learn from the best practices of other service-intensive fields, such as hospitality, financial services and other consumer industries.
For the sake of our survival, we must not only see the rise of big data as an inevitable part of the industry’s growth, but embrace it as a key tool in our ability to remain competitive.