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The free-flow of information is key to a healthy market. Yet, the SEC seems to want to put a stop to it unless it's information. Naked short selling (shorting a stock you haven't actually borrowed) has always been against the rules. The hedge fund...
In trying to fathom the amount of capital that financial firms have destroyed since last summer, I called an acquaintance who used to work at Merrill Lynch.
You might think that Bank of America, the nation's largest consumer bank, could pose a formidable threat to Wall Street's retail brokerage powerhouses. After all, it has a veritable army of affluent clients to whom it could offer financial advice...
Hot-Handed Oldie Gets Jail: Eighty-one-year-old former Bayonne, New Jersey financial advisor Louis Cortellessa couldn't keep his gambling habits from corrupting his business or depleting his clients' accounts. A state superior court in Morristown...
When you are the face and the force behind your business’ success, it can be tough to maintain rapid growth. If you want to avoid burnout, you have got to actively promote your underlings and associates.