Eventually your clients, and every other advisor’s clients, will start asking the hard questions. Before they do, you should ask and answer them yourself.
Buy, buy, buy. | Copyright Joe Raedle, Getty Images
The stock market on the whole may be struggling to start 2016, but that's not the case for gun manufacturers. Gun stocks gained 78 percent in 2015, according to USA Today, compared to the...
Cyber criminals are paying a pittance for passwords, according to MarketWatch. Citing a recently released study by Trend Micro, MarketWatch reports that passwords for entertainment accounts with NetFlix, Hulu and Spotify go for as little as $...
Famed E.T. screenwriter Melissa Mathison passed away in November and nobody can find her will. TMZ obtained court documents, which reveal that Mathison’s business manager both confirms the existence of a will and the inability to actually loc...
Famed “affluenza teen” Ethan Couch and his mother Tonya were detained by authorities in Mexico on Tuesday after the two fled the country in the wake of a surfaced video depicting an apparent probation violation by the young man, according to ...
Talk about watching an account go up in smoke. Two years ago, Dallas-based advisor Kris Maksimovich had a client who wanted to invest around $150,000 in a medical marijuana dispensary. The client heard it was going to revolutionize the industry...
Michael Kane, the co-founder and “master sensei” of digital investing firm Hedgeable, thinks 2016 will be the year that the robo advisor term is finally retired. “As platforms become more robust and the product set more diversified, pigeonhol...
Don't piss off millennials. | Nastco/iStock/Thinkstock
A 24-year-old client with $3,000 in an IRA account recently wrote in to Slate, “My financial advisor is a total sketchball!! What do I do?” After not hearing from the advisor for a mon...