Tick tock. | moodboard/Thinkstock
When was the last time you rolled into the office at 9 a.m. and were out the door at 5 p.m.? And you didn't check your email or look at your company-issue smartphone before or after work on what's supposed t...
Most advisors would love to call themselves “elite,” placing them in the small cadre of advisors that do the right activities the right way and are seeing phenomenal results. But what exactly does this exclusive group look like...
Tampa: “It seems that everywhere I turn there’s an article about Robo-Advisors,” moaned Jeffrey with a pained look on his face, then brought it home with, “even your rag (REP) had a photo of somebody who’s supposed to...
Everyone knows that referrals/introductions are the number one driver of new business (our 2015 research confirms this once again). What’s evident, however, is that very few advisors quantify this properly. One of our favorite metrics to review ...
Atlanta: “This might seem a bit ridiculous, but in social settings I’m often asked ‘How’s business?’ and I feel as though I’m missing an opportunity,” John whispered following my keynote, not wanting...