Registered Rep.: You've stuck with LPL since 1986; what's their strong suit?
Rose Greene: Technology. The firm understands that the survival of the independent channel depends on it.
RR: An activist who inspires you?
RG: Nelson Mandela. He had the courage to lead, the strength to endure the evil that was apartheid, and the capacity to forgive.
RR: Do you think the recently passed financial reform bill will curb the dysfunction in the system?
RG: There will be some improvement for a period of time until the quants develop the next legalized scam.
RR: The most fulfilling charity work you've done?
RG: My tenure as board chair of the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center helping at risk youth and treating the HIV/AIDS community.
RG: A financial mistake many baby boomers make?
RG: Living in the moment and not preparing for the future.
RR: If you could have a conversation with anyone dead or alive, who would you speak to and what would you ask them?
RG: Gandhi. From where did you find the vision and courage to create a non-violent revolution?
RR: What is one area of socially responsible investing you focus on with clients?
RG: Renewable energy.
RR: The next investing bubble might be?
RG: A boom in IPOs of dubious companies that claim to have the answer to global warming, like the technology boom in the 1990s.
RR: A turning point in your career?
RG: Moving from a traditional/transactional business model to an advisory, fee-based model.
RR: One thing you would like to see change about the financial services industry?
RG: I would love to see a complete overhaul of the FINRA advisor marketing/advertising compliance rules that would be based in common sense.
RR: One thing you think has changed for the better in the financial services industry?
RG: The ability to transact business online.
RR: The nicest thing a client ever said to you?
RG: “I feel safe doing business with you.”
RR: How would you describe your approach to telling clients something they don't want to hear?
RG: Honesty with intense eye contact.