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Cold Call: Michael K. McCabe

Describe your practice in one word.Emerging. A prospecting pick-up line that works.Nice assets! Favorite stress-reducer?Working out. What would you be if not an advisor?Professional golfer. Sunnyside up, once-over or scrambled?Egg whites. The worst thing a client has said to you.You're fired! Projected retirement age.Never too fun and too profitable! The fanciest piece of business attire you own.Cuff

  1. Describe your practice in one word.

  2. A prospecting pick-up line that works.
    Nice assets!

  3. Favorite stress-reducer?
    Working out.

  4. What would you be if not an advisor?
    Professional golfer.

  5. Sunnyside up, once-over or scrambled?
    Egg whites.

  6. The worst thing a client has said to you.
    You're fired!

  7. Projected retirement age.
    Never — too fun and too profitable!

  8. The fanciest piece of business attire you own.
    Cuff links.

  9. Your biggest athletic accomplishment.
    Completing my first triathlon.

  10. Number of unopened emails in your inbox.

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