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In a first, Registered Rep. would like to correct a In our September issue, we stated that average production had jumped to about $750,00 from $300,000 at Advanced Equities. In fact, the firm expects its practice management program to result in such an increase in the future. In the story titled Sell! The Democrats are Coming in Registered Rep.'s September issue, we incorrectly wrote that the reset

  • In a first, Registered Rep. would like to correct a “correction.” In our September issue, we stated that average production had jumped to about $750,00 from $300,000 at Advanced Equities. In fact, the firm expects its practice management program to result in such an increase in the future.

  • In the story titled “Sell! The Democrats are Coming” in Registered Rep.'s September issue, we incorrectly wrote that the reset date for the capital gains and qualified dividends rates is January 1, 2009. In fact, it is December 31, 2010.

  • In the story titled “Stand By the Man” in Registered Rep.'s September issue, the value of customer assets in the chart titled “How the Firms Stack Up,” was incorrectly labeled as trillions. Instead, these numbers represented millions.

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