Article flags
While browsing articles inside of the app you’ll see a triangular flag next to every article. These “flags” represent the source of the content. There are 4 different types of content flagged throughout the app experience.
“App Exclusive” – This is content written by the Trusts & Estates staff that is produced exclusively for the app and will not be seen anywhere else.
“Trusts & Estates” – This is the content that comes from the Trusts & Estates editorial and advisory board and can be found in the monthly magazine, online as premium content on, or in one of the newsletters from Trusts & Estates.
“The Plus Network” – These are stories that come from one of currently 70 industry sources that has been hand selected by an editor at Trusts & Estates.
“Sponsored” – This is content written or produced by an outside contributor. These are whitepapers, webinars and videos to name a few.
Article tools
While reading an article you'll see a set of icons running down the far rigth side of the screen.
Full screen:Tapping the full screen icon will slide away the left sidebar and expand the article view to the full width of the iPad
Saved: The star icon located to the right of every article allows you to save an article, video or whitepaper to a saved folder for later reference. Tapping this star will prompt a menu where you can create a briefcase and save the article for easy future reference. Each of your clients has different needs. This tool allows you to consolidate articles for your specific client meetings.
Share: Find a story you like -- share it on social media or exchange an email to a colleague.
The menu bar
The main menu bar running along the top of the app will follow you throughout the app experience. The primary buttons from left to right are:
Home: Tapping the home button at any point will take you back to the home screen that first opened when you launched the app. The home screen is loaded with content hand selected by the Trusts & Estates staff on a daily basis, keeping you up to speed on the most critical estate planning news.
The Latest: Tapping “The Latest” will change your view to only the most recent articles in the app from all sources.
Channels: Tapping the “Channels” button at any time will slide out a channel list. Selecting a channel will filter only content that is relevant to that topic.
Saved: Tapping the “Saved” button will drop down your list of folders that you've created and saved articles to. This is great for easy access to content to share during client meetings or to catch up on at a later time.
Search: Looking for something specific? Tap the “Search” button at any time to pull up a keyword search box. Search any and all content or apply a filter to look for content published during a certain period or in a specific channel topic.
Settings: The settings icon will allow you to logout out of the app as well as disconnect the app from your social media accounts that you may have attached to the app in the process of sharing.